僵尸新娘中英文歌词 Tears to shed
僵尸新娘中英文歌词 Tears to shed
Tears to shed What does that whispy little brat have that you don't have double 你每一点都比那个纤瘦的小女人强 She can't hold a candle to the beauty of your smile 在你灿烂的笑容面前,她只能自惭形悴 How about a pulse? 那心跳呢? Overrated by a mile Overbearing Overblown 华而不实,自抬身价,过度吹嘘 If he only knew the you that we know 如果他了解你和我们一样多 And that silly little creature isn't wearing his ring 那傻女孩手上没有他给的戒指 And she doesn't play piano Or dance Or sing 她不会弹琴、跳舞和歌唱 No she doesn't compare 她完全比不上你 But she still breathes air 但是她会呼吸 Who cares? Unimportant Overrated Overblown 谁在乎?无所谓,自抬身价,过度吹嘘 If only he could see how special you can be 只要他能看得出你与众不同 If he only knew the you that we know 如果他了解你和我们一样多 If I touch a burning candle I can feel the pain 蜡烛灼烧我不觉得痛楚 If you cut me with a knife it's still the same 利刃割过也依然如故 And I know her heart is beating 听着她的心跳好像音符 And I know that I am dead 而我的心儿早已“入土” Yet the pain here that I feel 可如今它如此的痛苦 Try and tell me it's not real 谁来告诉我这不过是虚无 For it seems that I still have a tear to shed 为何我的眼泪还是流个不住 The sure redeeming feature from that little creature is that she's alive 那女人唯一有的仅仅是生命 Overrated Overblown 纯炒作,没品位 Everybody know that's just a temporary state 谁人不知生命短暂 Which is cured very quickly when we meet our fate 没了生命她便会完蛋 Who cares? Unimportant Overrated Overblown 谁在乎?无所谓,纯炒作,没品位 If only he could see how special you can be 只要你的特别他能体会 If he only knew the you that we know 给他一双慧眼发现你的美 If I touch a burning candle I can feel no pain 蜡烛灼烧我感觉不到痛楚 In the ice or in the wun it's all the same 酷热严寒也依然如故 Yet I feel my heart is acheing 我的心还是阵阵悸痛 Though it doesn't beat it's breaking 早已粉碎,不再跳动 And the pain here that I feel 如今它如此的痛苦 Try and tell me it's not real 谁还来告诉我这只是虚无 I know that I am dead 我的生命之花早已干枯 Yet it seems that I still have some tears to shed 只有我的眼泪还是流个不住 希望你满意,祝你开心、
蒂姆波顿的《僵尸新娘》延续了其经典作品《剪刀手爱德华》和《圣诞夜惊魂》一贯基调,阴暗和浪漫。这是一部定格动画作品,讲述的故事发生在19世纪欧洲的一个村庄,以主人公维克多(由Johnny Depp约翰尼德普配音)的故事为叙事线索。维克多由于某些原因被带入了阴间并与神秘的僵尸新娘结了婚,与此同时,他在人间的真正新娘维多利亚,正在焦急地等待他的归来。虽然维克多感觉到自己在阴间的生活比在人世间残酷的生活精彩,但是他了解到,今生或来世,没有什么东西能够阻碍他与珍爱团聚。这是一个积极,浪漫且生动的故事,是蒂姆波顿的惯用叙事手法。
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