- I found your stupidity mildly amusing。
- Thank you, but I found your evilness is extremely annoying。
- Who do you think you are, panda?
- Who do you think I am, peacock?
2、 最棒的一句台词
Your story may not have a such happy begining, but that doesn't make who you are. It is the rest of your story, who you choose to be。
- How did you find peace? I took away your parents, everything. I scared you for life。
- Scars heel。
- No, they don't, wounds heel。
- Oh, yeah. What Scars do? They fade I guess?
- I don't care what scars do。
- You should. You gotta let go that stuff from the past, cause it doesn't matter. The only thing it matters, is what you choose to be now。
1、往往在逃避命运的路上,却与之不期而遇(命中注定的事,躲也躲不过) One meets its destiny on the road he takes to avoid it. 【感悟】宿命――调整心态,积极面对
Your mind is like this water, my friend , when it is agitated ,
it becomes difficult to see ,but if you allow it to settle ,
the answer becomes clear. 【感悟】天命――兵无常势,水无常形,以静待之
3、退出,不退出;做面条,不做面条。 Quit don’t quit. Noodles don’t noodles. 【感悟】使命――成功者永不放弃,放弃者永不成功
4、俗语说: 过去的,已经过去了 未来的,还未可知 现在,却是上苍的礼赠 我们可以把握的是当下(present现在/礼物) There is a saying, Yesterday is history Tomorrow is a mystery But today is a gift That is why it’s called the present (the gift) 【感悟】宿命――珍惜机遇,把握拥有
5、世间无巧合 There are no accidents. 【感悟】宿命――巧在合理之中,合寄予巧之外
6、龟仙人:是的,看看这棵树, 我不可能让它随便开花, 也不可能让它提前结果。 Yes ,look at this tree Chivu(宗师) I can not make it boloosm and suits me , nor make it bear food before it’s time . 宗师:但是有些事情我们是可以控制的 我可以控制果实的坠落的时刻 我可以控制它的种子在哪里安家 那可不是幻觉 仙人 but there are things we can control I can control when the fruit will fall ... And I can control What time to seed That is not illusion , Master 龟仙人:没错 可是无论你做什么 这个种子最终也还是长成棵桃树 你或许想要苹果或是橘子 但到头来还是桃子 Yes, but no matter what you do, That seed will grow to be a peach tree You may wish for an Apple or an orange But you will get a peach 宗师:但是桃子不可能击败太郎啊 But peache can not defeate Tai Long 龟仙人:也许可以呢?只要你愿意引导它、教育它、相信它 Maybe it can if you are willing to guide it , to nuture it , to believe in it . 【感悟】天命――遵循纹理,以育合抱之木
you cannot leave ,real warrior never quits. 【感悟】使命――天下兴亡,皆系汝一身尔?
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