
“I'm here to help.”(“随时准备相助。”)
“Is the danger?”(“这就是危险吗?”)
“A sound plan.”(“挺不错的计划。”)
“For my people.”(为了我的人民。”)
“I stand for the light.”(“我站在光明的一边。”)
“Light is my strength.”(“光明就是我的力量。”)
“For my father the king!”(“为了我的父王!”)
“Justice is come!”(“审判降临了!”)
“You'll pass the radamption!”(“你将会忏悔自己的罪过!”)
“Speak, fool!”(“说话,白痴!”)
“Ah,at last.”(“终于来了。”)
“Dread likely.”(“似乎挺可怕的。”)
“What is it now?”(“现在情况如何?”)
“Frostmourn hungers.”(“‘霜之哀伤’需要饱饮鲜血。”)
“No one orders me around.”(“没人能对我发号施令。”)
“Lordrean will be reborn!”(“洛丹伦将会重生。”)
“Who is the darkness,anyway?”(“到底谁才是黑暗的一员?”)
“It is a fool to trust in light!”(“傻瓜才会信仰光明!”)
“You'll know the endless torchment!”(“很快你就会尝到无尽的痛苦!”)
“I'll be twice the king my father ever was!”(“我将两次为王,父亲不算什么。”)
吉安娜・普罗德摩尔(Jaina Proudmoore):
“We shall move.”(“我们应该出发了。”)
“Sound plan.”(“不错的主意。”)
“I can help.”(“我能助你一臂之力。”)
“Stay while listen.”(“集中精神注意听。”)
“I'll check it out.”(“我会查个水落石出的。”)
“Sh,I'm trying to think here.”(“请安静,让我好好想一下。”)
“Magic and knowledge are my favourate.”(“魔法和知识是我的追求。”)
“You've offended me!”(“你冒犯我了!”)
“I hate war and killing!”(“我讨厌战争和屠杀!”)
“For honor.”(“为了荣耀。”)
“For Durotan.”(“为了父亲杜洛坦。”)
“I am the warchief.”(“我是酋长。”)
“The spirits are restless!”(“灵魂永不能安宁。”)
“You're no match for me!”(“你不配当我的对手!”)
“My people are strong!”(“我的人民十分强壮!”)
“Let's get on with it.”(“让我们继续吧。”)
“Who show me the destiny?”(“谁知道终点在哪里?”)
“Non can survive!”(“一个也别放过!”)
“For the Doom Hammer!”(“为了伟大的奥格瑞姆-毁灭之锤!”)
尤迪安・暴风之怒(Illidan Stormrage):
“Is that all?”(“就这些吗?”)
“Hardly a challenge.”(“很少有人能和我较量。”)
“I grow differently.”(“我生长的环境与众不同。”)
“You dare speak to me?”(“你竟敢和我说话?”)
“The evil draws close.”(“邪恶正在逼近。”)
“I hunt for the demons.”(“我再追捕恶魔们。”)
“I'm blind,not deaf!”(“我眼睛是瞎了,可耳朵还没聋!”)
“It is me who was betrayed!”(“遭到背叛的人应该是我!”)
“You'll be the prey under my blade!”(“你将成为我刀下的牺牲品!”)
玛维・影之歌(Maiev Shadowsong):
“We must hurry!”(“抓紧时间!”)
“I can wait no longer!”(“我不能再等了!”)
“We're wasting time here!”(“我们在这儿是浪费时间!”)
“The guilty will suffer!”(“犯罪者将受严惩!”)
“Now is the time.”(“时间到了。”)
“For the watchers!”(“为了守望者们!”)
“The end draws near.”(“末日近了。”)
“I'll finish the hunt!”(“我将完成追捕任务!”)
“Illidan is out there somewhere.”(“尤迪安正在外面游荡。”)
“I'll capture Illidan or die trying.”(“我会抓住尤迪安,要么就死在他手上。”)
“I'll have someone filled in the cage.”(“我会把那个家伙装在笼子里的。”)
“Tyrande must pay for setting Illidan free!”(“泰兰德必须为释放尤迪安付出代价!”)
“By fire be purged!”(“用火焰来清洗污秽吧!”)
“I'll do my best.”(“我会尽最大努力的。”)
“For Quel'Thalas!”(“为了奎尔萨拉斯!”)
“My people must be avenged!”(“我必须为同胞们复仇!”)
“The alies failed my people.”(“联盟欺骗了我的人民!”)
“Nothing in my homeland remains,but trash and sorrow.”(“除了灰烬和痛苦,我的家乡什么也没有剩下来。”)
“All my feels is hate and rage.”(“我心中充满了仇恨与愤怒。”)
“The hunger for magic is clouding my judgement.”(“对魔法的饥渴严重干扰了我的判断力。”)
“The ancient evil survives.”(“来自远古的邪恶生物复苏了。”)
“I'm sworn to Ner'Zhul.”(“我发誓效忠耐奥祖。”)
“Deadman walking”(“行尸走肉。”)
“Direct me.”(“指引我吧。”)
“Yours to command.”(“由你来指挥。”)
“For the Lich King.”(“为了巫妖王。”)
“The dead shall serve.”(“死者也要为我们服务。”)
阿诺拉克(Anuzerk the Cryptlord):
“Time fitting.”(“时间正好.”)
“I've heard the summons.”(“我听到了召唤。”)
“My might cannot be matched.”(“我的力量无人能比。”)
“The scourge will devour all!”(“虫族将吞噬一切!”)
“I serve only for the Frozen Throne.”(“我为冰封王座服务。”)
i'm a chemical super freak 我是一个化学疯子
no, shake it, not...(explosion) 不,叫你摇晃它,不是。。。(爆炸)
one of those potions smell aweful, “hehehheeh”有一瓶药水闻起来很奇怪。。。(坐骑:嘿嘿嘿。。。)
ay, pull his finger. that's not my finger 把手指拿开, (坐骑:那不是我的手指)
* glass shatter *o no what did i drop? o yeah o wait what are you
doing? o No not the laugh potion(玻璃破碎)啊,不好,我丢了什么?(坐骑:太棒了)啊,等等,你在干什么?天啊为什么是那瓶让人发笑的药水?
you love my new recipe 你喜欢我的新配方。。。
wanna blow something up? 想炸掉些什么吗?
right click move: 移动
i'll shake that right up 我去摇它。(这是方言,可以理解为交给我了)
i'll get that mixed up 我去把它解决(原文mix翻译为溶解)
don't rush me 不要催我
you got it 没问题。
attack: hurry i got things to blow up 快,还有东西等着我去炸呢
taste my firery potions 尝尝我的火焰药水
!@#(!@^*(&^(goblin language? -.-) you fool 地精语,你这个笨蛋
for the highest bidder!为出价最高的人卖力!
beast master:兽王
I'm ready to track 我准备好追踪了
force them out 把它们赶出去
unleash my strength 让我发挥力量
my glory nears 我的荣耀即将来到
what lies before me 我前面有什么
the beasts obey me 野兽们受命于我
where lay ahead is my home, see that block? that's my pillow 前面的地方就是我家,看见那块石头没有?那是我的枕头
the beasts are on me, i'm nothing compare to the beasts within 野兽和我共存,于体内的野兽相比,我什么都不是
i will now summon the afree dwinkto 我现在要召唤可怕的“阿佛瑞 德文托(名字,音译-。-)”了。。。
i summon the...grasp*roar* 我开始召唤。。。(恐惧而发出的叹气)(野兽的怒吼)
don't have a cow? mooo... o dear...*roar* bare with me...moo...*bear roar* 没有母牛吗?*召唤*moo(牛叫)啊天啊,(熊
rite click: 右点
on the brawl 冲击中。(brawl指球赛中少见的群殴场面。。。)
i wander alone 我一个人漫步
our path converage 我们的路相并
i'm acting on an instant 我立即行动
i've got the decent 我有这种感觉。(decent不明,可能错误)
atack: 右点
by ban and claw 用重击和爪
unleash the beast 把野兽从禁制中解放
for the mok by thrual! 为了mok by thrual音译人名
magie cur *orc language?* 兽人语
tinker: 修理工
i'm all geared up 我武装好了
all systems go 所有系统正常
whatcha got 你有什么
the engine's running 引擎在活动
i'm more than meets the eye (comment: ??? have no idea) 这个估计听错了,不过它说得很清楚,翻译不过来,meets可能是meats
*din!* uh-oh, my tinker bell! 叮! 嗯,我的修补种
yeah, runs on 2;20, 2;21 whatever it takes 对啊,它会在2。20,或者2。21,或者其他需要的状态下工作
*crack, crack*bad noise, that's a bad noise *机器摩擦* 这个声音不好听!
she'll hold it together, yeah baby, hold it together... *engine starts* 她(引擎)当然可以胜任,,yeah baby,去吧。* 引擎发动
*machine cracking....*..*boom!* O...gona need a new hamster*机器磨损中* 。。。* 爆炸* 天啊。。。这回需要一个新的大老鼠了。(
i've got a rocket in that pocket 我口袋里有颗导弹
that guy's nuts, grab him! 那个家伙真是食古不化,抓住他!
rite click;
i'm on top of it 我就来了
i can handle that 我可以摆平它
yeah... baby 按:太不好翻了不过地球人都看得懂吧
let's roll out 我们出发吧
..哪能全部翻译过来。。DH的及句貌似是 决战的时刻到了 撑到最后 胖拉丁的几句是 为了我的人民 让我们成为后天的节日 DK的几句有 为了巫妖王 巨魔巫医有句是 你最先杀谁?先知老头 我以张开双眼 就这些吧 以后再给你多贴点
人族: 兽族: 精灵族: 不死族: 这里很全,太长了,复制贴不上来
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