返老还童-本杰明.巴顿 的经典英文台词
一、返老还童-本杰明.巴顿 的经典英文台词
Some people are born to sit by a river,some be striked by lighting,some have gift for music,some are artist,some swim,some know buttons,some know Shakespare,some are mothers,and some people dance.

三、寻《返老还童》结局时的英文台词。例如:some people can...
Some people are born to sit by a river.
Some get struck by lightning.
Some have an ear for music.
Some are artists.
Some swim.
Some know buttons.
Some know Shakespeare. Some are mothers.
And some people... dance.
w:i am so glad we didn't find when we knew we were 26.
M:why did you say this?
W: i was so young, you were so old,女的 又说了一句,没有挺清楚,背景音乐响(happiness , it goes to happen好像差不多吧)
M:hi, i want to do it each every moment i have with you.
people can not change their fate.
reluctant changes will make themselves go along the same route at lenth.
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