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2022-10-10 05:49:00高考励志1

平时读一些英文的 励志 故事 也是一种不错的选择,那么英文励志的故事都有哪些呢?一起来随我看看吧。


A Silly Man


Fred was going to school. When he passed a park, he saw a man sawing a big branch from a tree.


“Hi, it is dangerous.” Fred shouted. “After you cut off the branch, you will fall, too.” But the man didn’t believe him, and said angrily, “Go away, you little thing. It’s none of your business.”


Fred could do nothing, so he left. He didn’t go far before he heard something crashed. He rushed back and found the man lying on the ground.


Fred asked some men for help. They carried the man to the hospital.



Big Ben


Big Ben is not the name of a man. It is a name of the clock. It is in London. London is the capital city of England.


The big clock has four faces. So no matter where you stand, you can see the face of the clock. The hands are about four meters long.


If you go to London, you may want to visit the house of the Parliament. In that place you will find Big Ben sits at the top of the clock tower in the House of the Parliament. The big clock makes a very loud noise. “Ding dong. Ding dong”- the clock strikes every quarter of an hour.



A Poor Man


Looking very unhappy, a poor man entered a doctor's consulting-room.


Doctor, he said, you must help me. I swallowed a penny about a month ago.


Good heavens, man! said the doctor. Why have you waited so long? Why don't you come to me on the day you swallowed it?


To tell you the truth, Doctor, the poor man replied, I didn't need the money so badly then.



The Old Man and the Old Cat

An old man has a cat. The cat is very old, too. He runs very quickly. And his teeth are bad. One evening, the old cat sees a little mouse. He catches it, but he can’t eat it because his teeth are not strong enough. The mouse runs away.


The old man is very angry. He beats his cat. He says: “You are a fool cat. I will punish you!” the cat is very sad. He thinks:“When I was young, I worked hard for you. Now you don’t like me because I’m too old to work. You should know you are old, too.”


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