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《夏洛特的网》是美国儿童文学经典作品,由E.B. White所著。以下是英文文章节概括:
Chapter 1: Before Breakfast
Wilbur, a young pig, is saved from being slaughtered by a young girl named Fern. Fern takes care of Wilbur and helps him make friends at the farm.
Chapter 2: Wilbur
We learn more about Wilbur's life on the farm and how he adores Fern. He becomes upset when he learns that he will be sold to another farmer.
Chapter 3: Escape
Wilbur runs away from the farm and is eventually found by Fern. They bring him back to the farm and the farmer agrees to let Fern take care of Wilbur.
Chapter 4: Loneliness
Wilbur becomes lonely and wishes he had a friend. A spider named Charlotte comes to his rescue and befriends him.
Chapter 5: Charlotte
Wilbur and Charlotte become good friends. Charlotte helps protect Wilbur from being sold and helps him become famous at the county fair.
Chapter 6: Summer Days
Wilbur enjoys his summer with Charlotte and the other animals on the farm. However, Charlotte knows that she is getting old and may not live much longer.
Chapter 7: Bad News
Charlotte tells Wilbur that she is dying. She promises to leave him with a gift to keep him safe.
Chapter 8: A Talk at Home
Wilbur is brought back home from the fair. Fern realizes that she is growing up and that she cannot spend as much time with Wilbur as before.
Chapter 9: Wilbur's Boast
Wilbur tells the other animals about his friendship with Charlotte. They do not believe him until he shows them Charlotte's web.
Chapter 10: An Explosion
Wilbur is sad when Charlotte dies. However, he is happy to see that Charlotte's children will be there to keep him company.
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