I have changed a lot in the last two years. About two years ago, I was just a pupil. I was not as tall as I am now. And as I grow up, I have acquired more knowledge from books as well as from activities. So, I think I am more smarter than before. In the past, I was a girl / boy with a few words. But now I am funny, outgoing and athletic. This change in character makes me become popular in my present class. My teacher thinks of me as a good student, and my friends also tell me that I am getting better. I am very pleased about that.

My family has a lot of changes.There was no computer in my home ten years ago.Now there is a computer.We can look something up on the Internet. live in a new flat. It"s big and clean.we can have party with our friends.We can sing and dance together.we have a good time。
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