别惹蚂蚁上映时间? 别惹蚂蚁电影中十句经典句子英文?

影片《别惹蚂蚁》是一部2006年3D动画片。影片由约翰 A·戴维斯导演执导,约翰·A·戴维斯 / John Nickle担任编剧,朱莉娅·罗伯茨 /尼古拉斯·凯奇 /梅丽尔·斯特里普 / 保罗·吉亚玛提主演的喜剧动画片。 故事根据童话作家约翰·尼科尔(John Nickle)创作的同名儿童小说改编,讲述刚搬家的卢卡斯,在学校没朋友,又被邻居恶霸欺负,只好把怒气出在蚂蚁上,破坏他们的巢穴,不料蚂蚁起来报复,用一把神奇缩小枪,将卢卡斯变成蚂蚁般大小,并把他带回巢穴一同生活,经过这次,卢卡斯学会了宽容与同情,友情的真谛和欣赏和敬畏自然本身。 已于2006-07-28(美国)上映播出。
Oh, that's it! Spindle, taillight.
Hey. Hey!- What?- What do you mean, "what"?Hey! Hey, what are you doing?Yeah, this is the sleeping chamber.
Go to sleep.Don't make me come up there!I'm so sorry, but I must havethe final ingredient for my potion.
Now, what's more important:Me completing my life's workfor the salvation of the colony...Which includes you guys.
The movie "Don't Mess with the Ants" is a hilarious and touching animated film about a young boy's adventures with a colony of ants. The film reminded me of the preciousness of life and the power of friendship.
In conclusion, "Don't Mess with the Ants" is a wonderful movie that teaches valuable lessons about nature, friendship, and tolerance. I highly recommend it to everyone.
别惹蚂蚁电影的主题曲是《Bullies And Sweet Rock》
The Ant Bully
I saw a cartoon called The Ant Bully, hero of the story is a little boy, he often weak being bullied. Then he took home outlet pipe sprayed ant nest to take.
Later ants with a syrup poured into the little boy's ears, and the little boy into a little guy like ants.
Later he and ants established a profound friendship, many interesting things happened.
One day he suddenly remembered one thing that had called for a man to kill ants, seeing he sent a few days into their appointed time.
Finally, he went to help his flies and ants, flies together to defeat him.
不是科学片,《别惹蚂蚁》是由约翰 A·戴维斯执导,杰克·T·奥斯汀 、尼古拉斯·凯奇等参与配音的动画电影。影片讲述了一个小男孩欺负小蚂蚁,结果自己变成和蚂蚁一般的大小。通过与蚂蚁生活最终领悟到了人生意义。影片于2006年7月28日在美国上映。
The Ant Bully
I saw a cartoon called The Ant Bully, hero of the story is a little boy, he often weak being bullied. Then he took home outlet pipe sprayed ant nest to take.
Later ants with a syrup poured into the little boy's ears, and the little boy into a little guy like ants.
是《Bullies And Sweet Rock》
故事根据童话作家约翰·尼科尔(John Nickle)创作的同名儿童小说改编,讲述刚搬家的卢卡斯,在学校没朋友,又被邻居恶霸欺负,只好把怒气出在蚂蚁上,破坏他们的巢穴,不料蚂蚁起来报复,用一把神奇缩小枪,将卢卡斯变成蚂蚁般大小,并把他带回巢穴一同生活,经过这次,卢卡斯学会了宽容与同情,友情的真谛和欣赏和敬畏自然本身。
中文名 爆笑虫子 原版名称 라바 其他名称 LARVA,臭屁虫,逗逗虫 类 型 搞笑无对白动画短片 导 演 Joo-Gong Meang 编 剧 Joo-Gong Meang 发行时间 2011-03-26 主题口号 生活枯燥,需要爆笑
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