白痴英文怎么写? 白痴用英文怎么拼?
你是个白痴的英文:You're an idiot
idiot 读法 英 ['ɪdɪət] 美 ['ɪdɪət]
n. 笨蛋,傻瓜;白痴
idiot, fool这组词都有“笨蛋,傻瓜”的意思,其区别是:
1、idiot 指智能低、动作迟钝、行为不符合正常的人。
2、fool 一般指缺乏智力、无判断力和识别能力、头脑糊涂的人。
聪明的英文:clever音标:英['klev?(r)] 美['klev?r]adj.聪明的;灵巧的相关短语:
1、Clever trick 真是高明的手段2、being clever 机灵一点3、clever dog 聪明的孩子4、Clever baby 聪明宝贝相关例句:1、Sheisabright [clever]girl.她是一个聪明的女孩。
2、Thecleverboyjumpedthefifthgradein school.那个聪明的男孩跳过了小学五年级。
4、Sheis notverycleverbutshe is painstaking.她虽然不很聪明,但很刻苦。向左转|向右转扩展资料:同义词辨析bright, clever, wise, brilliant, intelligent, ingenious, smart, shrewd这些形容词均含有""聪明的""之意。1、bright : 口语常用词,多指年轻人,尤指小孩思路敏捷,理解力强,机灵等。2、clever : 强调头脑灵活,接受新事物快,有智有谋,但不一定暗示全面妥当地考虑问题。3、wise : 侧重不是一般的聪明伶俐,而是有远见,有智慧,能明智地处理问题。4、brilliant : 指人的才华出众,思路敏捷,常令人赞叹不已。
5、intelligent : 正式用词,指在理解新的、抽象东西或处理解决问题时,智力超过一般常人。
6、ingenious : 指思路敏捷,并暗示有创造与发明的才能和技巧。
7、smart : 普通用词,与bright和clever的意思很相近,但更强调机灵。
8、shrewd : 指精明老练,有头脑,善于判断,把握有利机会。" ?.4?3?
1.You make my heart smile.
29My heart is with you.
3.Tell me you are mine. I'll be yours through all the years, till the end of time.
4.Where there is great love, there are always miracles.
My room My room is very beautiful,there is a mirror,a bed、a desk and a armoire.Above the desk it has a bookrack and I read books every day. I always clean my room so that it is very cleanly.
三傻大闹宝莱坞(3 idiots),印度宝莱坞电影,由拉库马·希拉尼导演,由阿米尔·汗、马德哈万及沙尔曼·乔什主演,是根据印度畅销书作家奇坦·巴哈特的处女作小说《五点人》改编而成。讲述了三位主人翁法兰、拉杜与兰乔的故事,他们是皇家工程学院的学生,三人共居一室并结为好友。在以严格著称的学院里,兰乔是个非常与众不同的学生,他不死记硬背,甚至还公然顶撞校长“病毒”,质疑他的教学方法的故事。
1.In astronomy, we will find how wonderful!We can see live their own predictions become a reality;We can observe the operation of the comet and reproduce, as well as all kinds of sports stars. 在天文学上,我们将会有多么奇妙的发现!我们活着就可以看到自己的预言成为事实;我们可以观察到彗星的运行和再现,以及日月星辰的种种运动变化。
2.So the question is not whether a person can be eternal youth, health and happiness forever, but in his old age in a variety of common adverse conditions, how to survive his eternal life.所以问题不在于一个人是否能永葆青春,永远健康幸福,而在于他在老年所具备的种种常见的不利条件下,如何来渡过他那永恒的生命。
I understand, my child. Better than anyone. Today, I lost more than you know.
I ask you to what end. Dread it , runfrom it……Desting arrives all the same. And now it's here, or I should say……I am.
I am inevitable. 我就是天命。
My expectation in life is to be invisible and I am good at it. 我只想隐身于人群中,而且这一点我很在行。 I am still waiting for formal body parts to arrive. 我正在长身体。 Courage is not the absence of fear but rather the judgment than something else is more important than fear. The brave may not live forever but the cautious did not live at all. From now on ,you will be traveling the road, between who you think you are and who you can be . Can you see me walking one step behind someone for the rest of my life? With rules and regulations ,I was scared. Living with a mother who lied to me for 15 years scares me. You are so luck; you don’t know who your parents are. Yesterday did not go well. Excuse me; I don’t have a family with either one of you because you ignored me for 15years, and you lied to me, family don’t do stuff like that. The promise of tomorrow hung in the air. This is not my day. You being a princess is kind of miracle. Wanting to rock the world but having zip power like me. What is so “Wow” ?Wow is having the power to affect change, make people listen. Be strong and face what you are afraid of I pass it on to you as my father passed it on to me. I will keep this safe. Why would I joke something about that? You are royal by blood. It costs to be cool I will do some labor free.
1.Wait up guys!
2.Coming up baby! Coming up baby! I'mcoming, Ellie!
3.Too bad, you'd make a wonderful mother.
4.My hooves are burning, baby! They areburning!
5.Are you a kid? Don't answer that.
6.Why'd you do that? I don't know.
7.So listen, Ellie thinks theres something bothering you..
8.Actually, I've been thinking, that soon, it .might be time for me to head out.
9.Okay, so I'll just tell her that your fine. It was nothing.
10.Look, who are we kidding, Manny? I'm losing my edge. I'm not really built for chaperoning play-Dates.
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