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2025-01-19 13:50:25经典台词1





All About You(电影《倒霉爱神(Just My Luck)》片尾曲)


最近一直很倒霉It has been very unfortunate recently 重点词汇



"Bad bear" is a Korean from the hands of cute polar bears Backkom humor funny video clips, Complete Works Department is divided into eight and a Movie.In which the protagonist "bad bear" is a radio producer EBS Korea cartoon image. Have introduced Mashimaro in, Dinga cat, the Korean animation industry has been working to build a representative of Korea under the cartoon image. The film's hero is a long fat bear in the Arctic, and his curiosity is strong. He came from the distant heart of the city of North Pole, from Ironically, there were many stories, make people laugh while at the hapless Bears will be for the simple but moving.Wonderful satire of the French head is full of young new force for a better vision for the future, longing for a career, inexperienced, ambitious, but they are only waiting for the outcome of his hurt.


1.You make my heart smile.


29My heart is with you.


3.Tell me you are mine. I'll be yours through all the years, till the end of time.


4.Where there is great love, there are always miracles.



My room My room is very beautiful,there is a mirror,a bed、a desk and a armoire.Above the desk it has a bookrack and I read books every day. I always clean my room so that it is very cleanly.


丘比特的英文名字是“Cupid”丘比特一直被人们喻为爱情的象征,相传他是一个顽皮的、身上长着翅膀的小神,他的箭一旦插入青年男女的心上,便会使他们深深相爱。在古希腊神话中,他是美神和爱神Aphrodite的小儿子Eros。在罗马神话中,他叫丘比特(Cupid),他的母亲是维纳斯。   下面的传说讲述了丘比特 和凡间女少Psyche的爱情故事。相传有一位国王和王后生了三个美丽的女儿,最小的Psyche尤其因为她的美貌而闻名。维纳斯非常嫉妒她,便命令丘比特去惩罚她。然而丘比特一见到Psyche便深深爱上了她,并使她成为自己的妻子。Psyche在神殿里过着优裕的生活,但由于她是凡人,却始终看不到丘比特的面容,为此,她很郁闷。她的两个姐姐很嫉妒她在神殿里的生活,便骗她说丘比特是个恶魔,并怂恿她晚上偷看他。待她晚上点上油灯看到丘比特之后,才知他原来是个英俊少年。丘比特被惊醒后,愤怒而去。宫殿、花园随之消失了,Psyche发现自己一个人躺在一个荒野上。   Psyche到处寻找丈夫,不觉来到维纳斯的神殿。为了毁掉她,这位爱神给她布置了很多艰巨而又危险的任务。最后一项任务便是叫她把一个空盒子交给Proserpine(冥府的王后),并从她那里带回一盒子美容。   途中,一个声音一直指引着她如何摆脱各种死亡的威胁,并警告她取回盒子后,无论如何不能打开。Psyche克服了种种困难,终于完成了任务。返回途中,她的好奇心还是驱使她打开了盒子。里面装的哪是什么美容,而是地狱里的睡眠鬼。它从盒中逸出,附在Psyche身上,使她成了一具睡尸。   丘比特发现Psyche僵睡在地上,便从她身上抓起睡鬼,重新装在盒子里。丘比特原谅了她,维纳斯也原谅了她。众神被她对丘比特执着的爱情感动了,便赐她一碗长生不老羹,并封她为女神。这样,Psyche与丘比特终于结为伉俪。



1.In astronomy, we will find how wonderful!We can see live their own predictions become a reality;We can observe the operation of the comet and reproduce, as well as all kinds of sports stars. 在天文学上,我们将会有多么奇妙的发现!我们活着就可以看到自己的预言成为事实;我们可以观察到彗星的运行和再现,以及日月星辰的种种运动变化。

2.So the question is not whether a person can be eternal youth, health and happiness forever, but in his old age in a variety of common adverse conditions, how to survive his eternal life.所以问题不在于一个人是否能永葆青春,永远健康幸福,而在于他在老年所具备的种种常见的不利条件下,如何来渡过他那永恒的生命。


I understand, my child. Better than anyone. Today, I lost more than you know.


I ask you to what end. Dread it , runfrom it……Desting arrives all the same. And now it's here, or I should say……I am.


I am inevitable.  我就是天命。


     My expectation in life is to be invisible and I am good at it.   我只想隐身于人群中,而且这一点我很在行。   I am still waiting for formal body parts to arrive.   我正在长身体。   Courage is not the absence of fear but rather the judgment than something else is more important than fear. The brave may not live forever but the cautious did not live at all. From now on ,you will be traveling the road, between who you think you are and who you can be .   Can you see me walking one step behind someone for the rest of my life? With rules and regulations ,I was scared.   Living with a mother who lied to me for 15 years scares me.   You are so luck; you don’t know who your parents are.   Yesterday did not go well.   Excuse me; I don’t have a family with either one of you because you ignored me for 15years,   and you lied to me, family don’t do stuff like that.   The promise of tomorrow hung in the air.   This is not my day.   You being a princess is kind of miracle.   Wanting to rock the world but having zip power like me.   What is so “Wow” ?Wow is having the power to affect change, make people listen.   Be strong and face what you are afraid of   I pass it on to you as my father passed it on to me.   I will keep this safe.   Why would I joke something about that?   You are royal by blood.   It costs to be cool   I will do some labor free.

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