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2025-01-24 06:50:23经典台词1


We must hang together,or we'll be hanged separately.我们必须团结在一起,否则我们将被一个个绞死。







  1、A rat is a rat

  2、I know more about raising a litter of pigs than you do. A weakling makes trouble. Now run along

  3、When I'm out here,there's no place to go but in. When I'm indoors, there's no place to go but out in the yard.

  4、Go down through the orchard, root up the sod! Go down through the garden, dig up the radishes! Root up everything! Eat grass! Look for corn! Look for oats! Run all over! Skip and dance, jump and prance! Go down through the orchard and stroll in the woods! The world is a wonderful place when you're young.

  5、An hour of freedom is worth a barrel of slops.


A dozen times during the night Wilbur woke and stared into the blackness, listening to the sounds and trying to figure out what time it was. A barn is never perfectly quiet. Even at midnight there is usually something stirring.


  The first time he woke, he heard Templeton gnawing a hole in the grain bin. Templeton's teeth scraped loudly against the wood and made quite a racket. "That crazy rat!" thought Wilbur. "Why does he have to stay up all night, grinding his clashers and destroying people's property? Why can't he go to sleep, like any decent animal?"


What time is it?" whispered Wilbur to the goose.



Charlotte’s Web by E.B.White

  Chapter 1. Before Breakfast

  №.1 - It’s very small and weak, and it will never amount to anything.


  【短语笔记】amount to

  【双语释义】 (1)To add up in number or quantity: 总共,合计:数字或数量加在一起:

  【例】The purchases amounted to 50 dollars.(买东西总共花了50美元。)

  (2)To add up in import or effect: 等同,接近:重要性或效果相当于:



影片故事改编自美国伟大作家E·B·怀特的名著《夏洛的网》(也有译作 夏洛特的网、夏绿蒂的网),是个关于友谊和磨难的故事。从小喜欢动物,长大后更拥有自己农场的作家E.B.White,对于动物的刻划细腻传神而不落俗套,故事的铺陈更是充满惊奇引人入胜。电影《夏洛特的网》于2005年初开始制作,当时刚刚产下双胞胎的奥斯卡影后朱莉娅·罗伯茨,决定为此部动画片担任幕后配音,配音的角色正是故事的主人翁小蜘蛛夏洛特,肩负着拯救好友小猪威尔伯的重责大任。整个配音阵容相当可观,除了朱莉娅·罗伯茨外,还有美国电视脱口秀天后欧普拉、卡西·贝兹以及流浪者合唱团成员安德鲁等。1973年,《夏洛特的网》还曾被改编成动画片。


1.Fern loves Wilbur more than anything else.弗恩爱威尔伯胜过一切。

2.Wilbur loves to drink milk. Nothing makes him happier than fern feeding him hot milk. It would stand up and look up at her with affectionate eyes.


3.It's like this every day. It's happy during the day and quiet at night.



In zuckerman's barn, a group of animals lived happily. Wilbur the pig and Charlotte the spider have established a sincere friendship. However, bad news broke the peace in the barn: Wilbur will be killed at Christmas and made into bacon and ham! As a pig, Wilbur seemed to have to accept the fate of being slaughtered.

However, Charlotte, a seemingly small spider, said, "I will save you." As a result, Charlotte wove online words on the pigsty that were regarded as miracles by human beings. These words praising Wilbur completely changed Wilbur's fate and finally enabled Wilbur to win a special prize in the fair competition and enjoy the future of the Year of Peace.

But at this time, the spider Charlotte's life also came to an end ... Wilbur brought up Charlotte's child with sadness and gratitude!


Wilbur is a rambunctious pig, the runt of his litter, who loves life, even that of Zuckerman’s barn. He sometimes feels lonely or fearful.

Charlotte, is a spider who befriends Wilbur; she at first seems bloodthirsty due to her method of catching food.

Fern Arable, daughter of John Arable and Mrs. Arable, is the courageous eight-year-old girl who saves Wilbur in the beginning of the novel.

Templeton is a gluttonous rat who helps Charlotte and Wilbur only when offered food. He serves as a somewhat caustic, self-serving comic relief to the plot.

Avery Arable is the brother of Fern. He appears briefly throughout the novel.

Homer Zuckerman is Fern’s uncle who keeps Wilbur in his barn. He has a wife, Edith, and an assistant named Lurvy who helps out around the barn.

Other animals living in Zuckerman’s barn with whom Wilbur converses are a disdainful lamb, a goose who is constantly sitting on her eggs, and an old sheep.

Henry Fussy is a boy Fern’s age of whom Fern becomes very fond.

Uncle is


《夏洛特的网》是一部喜剧/奇幻题材的美国电影,由盖瑞·温尼克执导,2006年上映。影片故事改编自美国伟大作家E·B·怀特的名著《夏洛的网》(也有译作 夏洛特的网、夏绿蒂的网),是个关于友谊和磨难的故事。

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