Hang In There Baby》是欧美家庭喜剧《查莉成长日记》的主题曲,由Bridgit Mendler演唱。

《查莉成长日记》的主题曲是《hang in there baby》。
歌名:hang in there baby.
歌手: Bridgit Mendler.
所属专辑:《Make Your Mark: Ultimate Playlist》.
Todays All Burnt Toast
Running Late Dad Jokes
Has Anybody Seen My Left Shoe
I Close My Eyes Take A Bite
Take A Ride Laugh Out Loud
There It Is Up On The Roof
I've Been there I Survived
So Just Take My Advice
Hang In There Baby, Things Are Crazy But I Know You Futures Bright
Hang In There Baby Theres No Maybe Everthing Turns Out Alright
Sure Life Is Up And Down But Trust Me It Comes Back Around
Your Gonna Love Who You Turn Out To Be
Home run
Loud Crash
Someones Gonna Pay For That
Why Is Everyone Looking At Me
Trouble In Paradise
skating on melted ice
please don't take away my tv
I've Been There I Survied So Just Take My Advice
Hang In There Baby, Things Are Crazy But I Know You Futures Bright
Hang In There Baby Theres No Maybe Everthing Turns Out Alright
Sure Life Is Up And Down But Trust Me It Comes Back Around
Your Gonna Love Who You Turn Out To Be
Someone Who Gets Along
Can Keep You Moving On
Thats What I'm Here For Say Anything You Can Say Anything'cause I've Been There
Hang In There Baby, Things Are Crazy But I Know You Futures Bright
Hang In There Baby Theres No Maybe Everthing Turns Out Alright
Sure Life Is Up And Down But Trust Me It Comes Back Around
Your Gonna Love Who You Turn Out To Be
Hang In There Baby, Things Are Crazy But I Know You Futures Bright
Hang In There Baby Theres No Maybe Everthing Turns Out Alright
Sure Life Is Up And Down But Trust Me It Comes Back Around
Your Gonna Love Who You Turn Out To Be
Take It From Me
Hang In There Baby
学英语的美剧一般主角讲话节奏不是很快的,而且整体是偏日常化的,可以推荐你以下美剧,对学英语很有帮助 1. 《查莉的成长日记》 这个片子很温馨很搞笑,能在里面学到很多日常口语,总共四季,看起来不容易厌倦 2. 《汉娜蒙塔娜》 这个片子也是巨搞笑,很清纯的片子,也是可以学到很多日常口语和美语俚语 3. 《生活大爆炸》 这个片子是公认的好看,很适合 4. 《摩登家庭》 讲的是几个家庭之间的搞笑趣事,很适合学口语。 希望对你有用哦,慢慢看下来你一定会有收获的。
Teddy R. Duncan,本剧女主角,聪明,积极乐观,关心他人,但有时也会为他人带来麻烦。15岁,是家中的老二,在家中相对较有责任感。每天都用DV为小妹妹查莉做成长日记,作为她在成长道路上的建议。口头禅是在每集结尾处说的“祝你好运,查莉”(Good luck Charlie)。与斯宾塞的感情一波三折,最终修成正果。
PJ Darth Duncan,家中长子,17岁,很关心弟弟妹妹。笨拙单纯,但有时也很机智勇敢。和朋友艾米特组成一支乐队,梦想成为著名歌星。第三季之后展现出惊人厨艺天赋,于是从大学退学转至烹饪学校学习,毕业后开了一家卖上等三明治的快餐卡车。他们的中间名(“Darth”即黑武士)如此是因为爸爸是星球大战的铁粉。
Gabriel Duncan,大家都叫他"Gabe",10岁,家中的老三。一开始不太喜欢妹妹查莉,但渐渐的改变了看法。非常顽皮,总是会为周围人带来麻烦,与邻居达布尼太太是冤家。不爱学习,但有时也会认真。在校是篮球队队员。四个季度中明显成长了许多。
Charlotte Duncan,大家都叫她"Charlie",家中的老四,虽然还是个婴儿,但她几乎时时都在笑,没有哭过,只是偶尔因一些小事发脾气。三个哥哥姐姐在照顾查莉的过程中引发了一系列的搞笑事件。偶尔会做出暖心之举。
Amy Duncan,妈妈,医院护士,是一个坚强、尽责、幽默的女人。热爱自己的家庭,可以为家人做一切事情。喜欢出风头。在家庭中经常为家人带去快乐,并且多次在孩子们感情不顺时为他们开导。与医院的上级卡伦(Karen)关系不是特别好。
Bob William Duncan,爸爸,艾米的丈夫,有一家灭虫公司,对消灭虫子有着无比的热爱。总是尽责地照料孩子们。科幻系列作品的粉丝。很喜欢吃东西和看动画。是盖比所在的篮球队的教练,练过芭蕾,而且方块舞跳得很好。
很经典的就是成长的烦恼 还有就是摩登家庭,老爸老妈的浪漫史,儿女一箩筐,胜利之歌 迪斯尼出的这一类家庭喜剧,青春类的都可以参考的 PS:我也觉得查莉看起来很温馨,笑点还OK
My expectation in life is to be invisible and I am good at it. 我只想隐身于人群中,而且这一点我很在行。 I am still waiting for formal body parts to arrive. 我正在长身体。 Courage is not the absence of fear but rather the judgment than something else is more important than fear. The brave may not live forever but the cautious did not live at all. From now on ,you will be traveling the road, between who you think you are and who you can be . Can you see me walking one step behind someone for the rest of my life? With rules and regulations ,I was scared. Living with a mother who lied to me for 15 years scares me. You are so luck; you don’t know who your parents are. Yesterday did not go well. Excuse me; I don’t have a family with either one of you because you ignored me for 15years, and you lied to me, family don’t do stuff like that. The promise of tomorrow hung in the air. This is not my day. You being a princess is kind of miracle. Wanting to rock the world but having zip power like me. What is so “Wow” ?Wow is having the power to affect change, make people listen. Be strong and face what you are afraid of I pass it on to you as my father passed it on to me. I will keep this safe. Why would I joke something about that? You are royal by blood. It costs to be cool I will do some labor free.
Jim Carroll: I saw this girl ext to me who was't beautiful util she smiled.吉姆·卡罗尔:我旁边坐着一个不漂亮的女孩,但是看到她笑的那瞬间她是漂亮的。
:PJ Duncan(PJ·邓肯),扮演者为Jason Dolley(杰森·多雷)。 希望能帮到你!
December 8
There are four fish in my fish tank, three of them are large and one is very small. One is red, one is white, one is black, and the other is a small red koi. Those fish swim leisurely. When I made a sound, the fishes ran around.
December 9
These fish were selected by me personally at the flower and bird market. I named them separately. The red ones are rubies, the black ones are black pearls, the white ones are white jade pendants, and the smallest one is Koi, called Xiaokouzen. I wake up every morning and I go to see them.
December 10
This morning I ate breakfast and fed fish. I found that as long as my hand was above the fish tank, a few fish would swim together, as if they had all made an appointment. The little fish opened their small mouths and kept plopping up. It seemed that they had been hungry for a long time.
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