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2023-04-29 11:03:36经典台词1









"Little women" by American author Louisa may Alcott, a civil war in the United States as the background, in the 19th century the United States in New England an average family of four sisters, is based on the life trivia between family ethics with autobiography color fiction. Novels by at that time, the influence of the great thinkers of Emerson, highlights the concept of personal dignity and independence of self-discipline; Content plane but delicate, simple structure and fable, rich strong appeal.




i am not afraid of storms,for i am learning how to sail my ship.”


  “love covers a multitude of sins…”


  “such hours are beautiful to live,but very hard to describe…”


  “i don't like favors; they oppress and make me fell like a slave.i'd rather do everything for myself,and be perfectly independent.”


  “simple,sincere people seldom speak much of their piety; it shows itself in acts rather than words,and has more influence than homilies or protestations.”






"Little Women" is a beloved classic that has touched the hearts of many readers. Here's an example of a possible English reflection on the book:

"Little Women is a beautiful and inspiring story about the lives of four sisters growing up in the late 1800s. Through their ups and downs, joys and sorrows, the sisters learned important lessons about life, love, and the meaning of family. I was particularly touched by the strong bonds of sisterhood and the way the sisters supported and encouraged each other, even in the face of adversity.

One of the things I love about this book is how relatable the characters are, even though they live in a different time period. Their struggles with self-discovery, finding their place in the world, and navigating relationships are timeless themes that continue to resonate with readers.

Reading Little Women has been a truly uplifting experience. I would highly recommend it to anyone looking for a heartwarming and empowering story about the power of sisterhood, perseverance, and the human spirit."


Courage is a hard thing to figure。理解勇气是件很难的事

You can have courage based on a dumb idea or mistake 你可以因为笨主意或错误产生勇气


Little Women" Louisa May Alcott's famous for. Work focuses on the Marchi family of four sisters Jo, Meg, Amy, Beth how to fight for independence, how to love the story of the family. Marchi family woman personality is different, however, all of them are artists.

  Joe hearty and lively, love literature, dreams of becoming a writer; Meg pretty gentle, good home - the dream of owning a beautiful house and a happy family; Amy slender and dignified, like painting, dream of becoming great artists; Beth shy. sentimental, and fond of music, the dream of owning a beautiful piano; their mother, motherhood, creating an active and disciplined life.

  The author describes a simple approach four sisters twists and turns and a warm and sweet life and pure emotion, but also praised the eternal love. Works through the family daily life and four sisters all kinds of feelings experienced fine delicate depiction shaping the image of the four distinctive character of "Little Women" to life, filled with the spirit of optimism, clearly highlights the "simple life is a kind of happiness "theme.


the little women is a famous story.

it tells about three sisters.

their love stories and growth are mentioned in the book.


the little women is a famous story.

it tells about three sisters.

their love stories and growth are mentioned in the book.


wolf 英[wʊlf] 美[wʊlf] n. 狼; 贪婪的人; 有害的幼虫; vt. 狼吞虎咽; [例句]I was back in the changing room wolfing tea and sandwiches.我回到更衣室,狼吞虎咽地喝茶、吃三明治。[其他] 第三人称单数:wolfs 复数:wolves 现在分词:wolfing 过去式:wolfed

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