
I do not know the taste of separation is so bleak, I do not know to say goodbye so strong. 岁月永远年轻,我们慢慢老去,你会发现,童心未泯,是一件值得骄傲的事情。
Forever young years, we slowly grow old, you will find a playful spirit, is a matter of pride. 怕什么路途遥远。走一步有一步的风景,进一步有一步的欢喜。幸福,在路上。
Fear of what the distance involved. Go one step further step in the landscape, the further step of joy. Happiness, on the road. 无畏孤单。因为这世上,肯定有一个人,正努力地走向你。
Fearless alone.Because in this world, there must be a person, working hard towards you. 喜欢这样温暖而寂静的阳光,透过绿色的树叶,像水一样地倾泻下来。
Like warmth and the silence of the sun through the green leaves, like water pouring down. 总有一次哭泣,让人瞬间长大。
There is always a cry, people instantly grow up. 很多时候,很多事情,走不到所希望的结局,错的不是人,是时间,是命运。
In many cases, a lot of things, able to get the desired outcome, the wrong people, time is fate. 在你想要放弃的那一刻,想想为什么当初坚持走到了这里。
The moment you want to give up, think about why did insist to come here. 迷茫时,坚定地对自己说,当时的梦想,我还记得。
Confused, the firm said to myself, was the dream, I remember. 我不知将去何方,但我已在路上。
I do not know go where, but I have been on the road. 一路坎坷的人以后的幸福亦是理所应当。——≪侧耳倾听≫
Happiness after the easy road is as it should. - «Ear to listen» 在茫茫人海中相遇相知相守无论谁都不会一帆风顺,只有一颗舍得付出懂得感恩的心才能拥有一生的爱和幸福。
In the vast sea, meet, know each otherspend,whetheranyonewillnotbesmoothandonlyonewillingtopay toknow how grateful heart, in order to have a lifetime of love and happiness. 成长,是每个孩子的权力,也是他们必经的征程,或平坦、或崎岖,有悲欢,有离合…
Growth, yes the the powers of the of each the child's, is also the the the journey of of they must pass through, as or as flat, or rugged, there are joys and sorrows, there are clutch ... 不要着急,最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现。
Do not worry, the best always in the most casual 很多时候,过去,总是显得美好的原因是,我们追加了太多华丽的片段进去。
Many times over the past always seems better because we added too many gorgeous pieces into. 人生如路,须要耐心。走着走着,说不定就会在凄凉中走出繁华的风景。
Life is like a road, need to be patient. Walked out of the bustling landscape, maybe it will in the desolate. 要努力做一个可爱的人不埋怨谁不嘲笑谁也不羡慕谁阳光下灿烂风雨中奔跑做自己的梦走自己的路。
We should strive to be a lovely person.Who do not complain, do not laugh at who does not envy who, under the sun bright, the wind and rain, run, do their own dreams, goits own way. 你改变不了昨天,但如果你过于忧虑明天,将会毁了今天。
You can not change yesterday, but if you worry too much about tomorrow, will be destroyed today. 不要因为结束而哭泣,微笑吧,为你的曾经拥有。
Do not cry because it is over, smile on you. 喜欢笑的女孩,运气不会太差。
Girls like to laugh, luck is not too bad. 有些日子,像一瞬间那样短暂,有些日子,像永远一样漫长。
Some days, like the moment is so short, some days, like forever as long. 龙猫,你怎么也“穿越”了!?
Chinchillas, how do you "pass through" ! ? 别忘了答应自己要做的事情,别忘了答应自己要去的地方,无论有多难,有多远。
Do not forget to promise what I do, do not forget the promised myself to go, no matter how difficult, how far. 真正的美丽,不是青春的容颜,而是绽放的心灵。
The real beauty, youthful face, but the bloom of the soul. 梦想不会逃跑,会逃跑的永远都是自己。
The dream will not escape, will run away is always. 有时候,上天没有给你想要的,不是因为你不配,而是因为你值得拥有更好的。
Sometimes, God does not want to give you, not because you do not deserve, but because you deserve better. 不因为没有最好的回报就不付出,不因为没有完美的结果就不开始。
Not because there is no best returns will not pay, not because there is no perfect outcome is not. 我不太肯定我的方向,但是我希望自己能走远一点。——≪魔女宅急便≫
I'm not sure of my direction, but I hope I can take a further step. - «Kiki's Delivery Service» 原谅,只和爱的深浅有关,有多少爱,就有多少原谅。
Forgive, and the depth of love, how much love there are that many to forgive. 相信我,我们可以更快乐,因为童真只是一种态度。
Believe me, we can be happier, because innocence is just an attitude. 痛苦和挫折,让软弱的更软弱,坚强的更坚强!
Pain and frustration, so that the weak more weak, strong and stronger! 在某个时刻,你不得不意识到,有的人可以留在你的心里,却不会出现在你的生活中了。
At some point, you have to realize that some people can stay in your heart, but it does not appear in your life. 没有不可治愈的伤痛,没有不能结束的沉沦,所有失去的,会以另一种方式归来。
Incurable pain, no not the end of the sink, all the lost will be returned in another way. 成熟的第一步就是学会承受。
Mature first step is to learn to accept. 希望本身就是一种幸福,也许还是这个世界给我们的最大幸福。
Hope itself is a blessing, perhaps the world has given us the greatest happiness. 很多时候,不是因为一件事情很难我们才畏惧,而是因为我们畏惧才觉得这件事情很难。
In many cases, not because the thing it is difficult that we fear, but because we fear they would feel It's really hard. 忍不了痛苦,就见不到幸福。
Can not bear pain, and had lost sight of happiness. 除非你能和真实的自己和平相处,否则你永远不会对已拥有的东西感到满足。
Unless you and the real own peace to get along, otherwise you will never be satisfied with what has.
1.How I wish it would stay this way forever. Though, change mocks us with her beauty.多么希望能永远保持这样的状态。但是,丕变以她美丽的形式嘲笑着我们 – Olaf
2.I just thought of one thing that's permanent – love. 我想到的只是唯一永恒的一件事 - 爱 – Olaf
3.My theory that advancing technology will lead to our doom?我的理论告诉我,通常先进的科技会导致我们的厄运? – Olaf
4.Because when you’re older, absolutely everything makes sense. 因为当你逐渐长大,小时后觉得没道理的一切,都开始有意义了 – Olaf
Courage is a hard thing to figure。理解勇气是件很难的事
You can have courage based on a dumb idea or mistake 你可以因为笨主意或错误产生勇气
1、I'm Peppa Pig.This is my little brother, George.译:我是佩奇。这是我的弟弟乔治。2、This is Mummy Pig. And this is Daddy Pig. Peppa pig.译:这是我的妈妈。这是我的爸爸。3、I love muddy puddles.译:我喜欢在泥坑里玩。
1. Everything you see exists together in a delicate balance. 世界上所有的生命都在微妙的平衡中生存。
2. I laugh in the face of danger. 越危险就越合我心意。
3. I’m only brave when I have to be. Being brave doesn’t mean you go looking for trouble. 我只是在必要的时候才会勇敢,勇敢并不代表你要到处闯祸。
4. When the world turns its back on you, you turn your back on the world. 如果这个世界对你不理不睬,你也可以这样对待它。
5. It’s like you are back from the dead. 好像你是死而复生似的。
6. You can’t change the past. 过去的事是不可以改变的。
七、电影《龙虾》(The Lobster)的经典台词?英文版?
Loner Leader: We dance alone. That's why we only play electronic music.
Hotel Manager: If you encounter any problems you cannot resolve yourselves, you will be assigned children, that usually helps.
Short Sighted Woman: He didn't burst into tears and he didn't think that the first thing most people do when they realize someone doesn't love them anymore is cry.
Trainer Waiter - Shooting Range: It's no coincidence that the targets are shaped like single people and not couples.
哈利:He killed my parents, didn't he, the one who gave me this? You know, Hagrid, I know you do.
注:小哈利说the man who gave me this时指着自己额上的闪电形伤痕。
海格:First, and understand this, Harry, 'cause it's very important.
海格没受过高深教育,谈吐粗鲁,不拘小节。且看J K Rowling(罗琳)在小说里怎样描写他。
He was almost twice as tall as a normal man and at least five times as wide.(他身高几乎是正常人的两倍,而宽度至少有五倍。)
He had hands the size of trash can lids, and his feet in their leather boots were like baby dolphins.
罗琳用寥寥两句话就把巨人海格描写得活灵活现,趣味盎然,难怪这英国女作家的魔幻小说,连美国人也看得津津有味。Harry Potter高踞英美畅销书榜首,并非无因。
海格:First, and understand this, Harry, 'cause it's very important.
注: 'cause即because,是很流行的缩略讲法。
Not all wizards are good.Some of them go bad.(并非所有的巫师都是好的。有些会变坏。)
A few years ago there was one wizard who went as bad as you can go. And his name was V.. His name was V...
《哈利波特》电影中小哈利追问巨无霸海格(Hagrid)自己的身世。海格答道:A few years ago there was one wizard who went as bad as you can go. And his name was V...His name was v...(几年前,有一个巫师走火入魔,邪得无以复加。他的名字是伏……。他的名字是伏……。)
注:海格本欲说出杀哈利波特父母的大仇家,但没有胆量,于是期期艾艾,欲语还休。大家必须记得,省略号(ellipsis marks/suspension points)是汉六英三,即中文用六点,英文用三点。
此时小哈利知道巨无霸不敢说出大魔头的名字,于是提议说:Maybe if you wrote it down.(也许你就写下来吧。)
注:巨无霸没有写,哈利却用Write的过去式。那是惯用法(idiomatic expression),亦委婉语(euphemism)。
女作家罗琳(J K Rowling)写的《哈利波特》小说中,巨无霸海格受的教育不多,因而谈吐豪迈,不拘小节,说的往往不是正规英语。家长指导小孩子读英文原著时宜加留意。
兹举一例,引自第一集八十一页Bloomsbury版本:Told yeh,didn't I? Told yeh you was famous.
按方法you 字后决不能用was,过去式得用were。他把you说成yeh是发音不准。 J K Rowling这样写是为了凸显海格读书不多。
哈利波特追问凶手是谁时,海格说:No, I can't spell it.(不行,我不懂拼那字。)
罗琳塑造巨无霸海格不但语文蹩脚,拼字也不懂。他只好接着说:Alright, Voldemort.(好,我讲,伏地魔!)
哈利波特听见真凶名字,怔了一下。哈利: Voldemort?(伏地魔?)
心地善良的巨无霸海格恐大魔头听见哈利波特尖声叫出他的名字,立刻劝小哈利别作声: Sh, Sh.(嘘。)
且听海格怎样告诉哈利波特(Harry Potter)伏地魔(Voldemort)杀他父母的原委。
海格:It was dark times, Harry, dark times.(那是黑暗时期,哈利,黑暗时期。)
Voldemort started a garrison force. Brought' em over to the dark side.(伏地魔成立了在要塞驻防的部队,把队员带到黑暗的一边。)Anyone that stood up to him ended up dead.(反抗他的人结果都丧命。)
注:同学们宜观摩句中片语动词(phrasal verbs)stand up to与end up的用法,翻词典查其他释义,然后造两三个句子,掌握一词多义(polysemous)的用法。
Your parents fought against him, but nobody lived once he decided to kill him.(你父母与他交锋,但他一决定下杀手,谁都活不下来。)
Nobody, not one, except you.(无人幸免,除了你。)
哈利:Me? Voldemort tried to kill me? (我?伏地魔曾经企图杀我?)
Mario:No thing is ture ,and every thing is permitted,these are the words spoken by our ancestors that lay at the heart of our creed.
presenter:when other men blindly follow the truth,remember当其他人盲目的追寻真相的时候,记住--
Ezio:Nothing is ture万物皆虚
presenter:when other men are limited by of laws,remember当其他的人受到道德和法律的限制,记住--
Ezio:Everything is permitted.万事皆允
presenter:We work in the dark and serve the lights,we are assassins.我们在黑暗中工作,为光明服务,我们,是刺客。
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