1. He and his family would sing and dance and count their blessings.

1. 一家人都喜欢唱歌跳舞,过的很幸福。
count one's blessings这个短语指的是(人生坎坷时)要知足常乐。
2. He started out a total nobody from Santa Cecilia, like me.
2. 他最开始在圣塞西莉亚一点名气也没有,就像我一样。
He's just some nobody trying to get noticed by the press.
3. I demand to speak to the person in charge.
3. 我要和管事的人说话。
4. And you told me you would move heaven and earth for your amigo.
4. 你告诉我你会为了你的朋友赴汤蹈火。
move heaven and earth的意思是竭尽全力,形容“尽力”的英语表达有很多哦,比如:
body and soul
spare no effort/pains
with might and main
go for broke
go whole hog
5. Family comes first.
5. 家人永远最重要。
come first表示对某人而言“最重要的人(或事)”。
6. The family is more important than the dream.家人是比梦想跟重要的事情。
7. The real death is that no one in the world remembers you.真正的死亡是世界上再没有一个人记得你。
At the recommendation of our teacher, I watched the " dream ring travel notes", a film produced jointly by Walter Disney film studio and Pixar animation studio.
The film mainly tells the story of Miguel, a music-loving boy, and eckerto, a down-and-out musician, who have embarked on a wonderful adventure in a colorful and mysterious world.
The film is a true blend of Mexico's traditional festivals: the day of the dead, when Mexicans think people die only to another world, a better world than the real world, continue to live, on the day of the dead can be returned to earth, and live family reunion.
Today, at the recommendation of our teacher, I watched the " dream ring travel notes", a film produced jointly by Walter Disney film studio and Pixar animation studio.The film mainly tells the story of Miguel, a music-loving boy, and eckerto, a down-and-out musician, who have embarked on a wonderful adventure in a colorful and mysterious world.The film is a true blend of Mexico's traditional festivals: the day of the dead, when Mexicans think people die only to another world, a better world than the real world, continue to live, on the day of the dead can be returned to earth, and live family reunion.
Coco is a 2017 American 3D computer-animated fantasy film.
The story follows a 12-year-old boy named Miguel who is accidentally transported to the Land of the Dead, where he seeks the help of his deceased musician great-great-grandfather to return him to his family among the living and to reverse his family's ban on music.
In the end, Miguel's family reconciles with him, ending the ban on music; one year later, Miguel presents the family ofrenda (which now includes the deceased Coco) to his new baby sister. Coco's collected letters from Héctor prove that Ernesto stole his songs, destroying Ernesto's legacy and allowing Héctor to be rightfully honored in his place.
这个故事的灵感来自于一个最重要的墨西哥传统:“ 亡灵节 ”。
每年的11月1日和2日是拉丁美洲地区传统的“ 亡灵节 ”。拉美各地民众从1日开始举行各种丰富多彩活动庆祝这个传统节日。在海地首都太子港,信奉伏都教的民众涌上大街举行化妆游行,并前往墓地举行仪式,迎接重返人间的先祖的灵魂。他们认为,只有善待亡灵,让亡灵高高兴兴地回家过个节,来年活着的人才会得到亡灵保佑,无病无灾,庄稼也会大丰收。从10月31日起,墨西哥举国欢度“ 亡灵节 ”。11月1日是墨西哥的“幼灵节”——祭奠死去的孩子,11月2日是“成灵节”——祭奠死去的成年人,这两天通称为“ 鬼节 ”。墨西哥的这一节日,既与西方的“ 万圣节 ”有相似之处,又不完全相同。表现了浓厚的印第安民族文化特色。
英文叫:Miguel Riveras。
seek dreams
Without confidence, you don't allow yourself to pursue your dreams.
I'm on my way chasing my dream.
Pursuing your dreams can make all the difference in your life.
How can you seek, pursue and fulfill your dreams?
I'm on my way, with my dream.
九、20 寻梦环游记里的米格是怎样的人?
《寻梦环游记》是皮克斯动画工作室的第19部动画长片,由华特·迪士尼电影工作室、皮克斯动画工作室联合出品,李·昂克里奇、阿德里安.莫利纳执导,安东尼·冈萨雷斯、本杰明·布拉特、盖尔·加西亚·贝纳尔、蕾妮·维克多等参与配音[1] 。该片的灵感源于墨西哥亡灵节,讲述了热爱音乐的小男孩米格和落魄乐手埃克托在五彩斑斓的神秘世界开启了一段奇妙冒险旅程的故事。一个鞋匠家庭出身的12岁墨西哥小男孩米格,自幼有一个音乐梦,但音乐却是被家庭所禁止的,他们认为自己被音乐诅咒了。在米格秘密追寻音乐梦时,因为触碰了一把吉他而踏上了亡灵土地。每年的亡灵节日,逝去的家人都会返回人间与亲人团聚,但从来还没有人去到过亡灵的世界。米格被多彩绚丽的亡灵世界所震撼,而更令他的惊喜的是,他重逢了失去的母亲和祖辈们,一家人要想办法将米格重新送回人间
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