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Oh,that is…that is real control。Control is power,That is power 。 求是那个电影的台词

2022-10-09 00:33:42经典台词1


酒过三巡,辛德勒(Shindler)与纳粹军官阿蒙哥特(Amon Goeth)到阳台闲聊。平常,Goeth经常无缘无故开枪射击,乱杀无辜,他认为,随意杀人就是权力。Shindler却说,“正义”才是能让一个人操生杀大权的原因,宽恕才是权力。——看看Shindler的原话是怎么说的:

Goeth: You know, I look at you. I watch you, and you're never drunk. Oh, that's...that's real control. Control is power. That's power. Is that why they fear us? We have the fucking power to kill, that's why they fear us. They fear us because we have the power to kill arbitrarily. A man commits a crime, he should know better. We have him killed, and feel good about it. Or we kill him ourselves and we feel even better.

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