Up Classic Movie Quotes: 30 Quotes in English from Up
Released in 2009, "Up" is an animated film produced by Pixar Animation Studios. The film tells the heartwarming story of Carl Fredricksen, a widower who embarks on an adventure to fulfill his late wife's dream of traveling to Paradise Falls. Throughout the movie, there are many memorable and meaningful quotes that have become beloved by fans around the world. In this article, we have curated 30 classic quotes from "Up" in English.

1. "Adventure is out there!"
These words spoken by young Ellie Fredricksen capture the spirit of the film.
2. "Thank you for giving me my new adventure."
Carl says this to Russell, the Wilderness Explorer, who becomes an unexpected companion on his journey.
3. "I'm not a hero, but I served in a company of heroes."
Carl reflects on his past as a balloon salesman and the people he met along the way.
4. "You know, you don't talk very much... I like you!"
Russell says this to Kevin, the exotic bird they encounter in the jungle.
5. "Somehow, I saved my house."
Carl realizes that he has unintentionally fulfilled his late wife's dream by lifting their house with helium balloons.
6. "Adventure is out there, Ellie. You just gotta go find it."
Young Carl tells his future wife, Ellie, that they should seek adventure together.
7. "It's the spirit of adventure that led us to this moment."
Carl reflects on the journey he and Russell have embarked on.
8. "You're my Wilderness Explorer!"
Carl tells Russell that he appreciates him and his adventurous spirit.
9. "Is there something wrong with me because I wanted to do something important?"
Russell questions whether his desire for a meaningful adventure is odd.
10. "I was hiding under your porch because I love you."
Dug, the talking dog, expresses his loyalty and affection for Carl and Russell.
11. "Where would we be without our traditions? The candy corns, the costumes, and oh yes, the trick-or-treaters."
Carl sarcastically refers to the Halloween decorations at his house.
12. "Squirrel!"
Dug's playful distraction as he eagerly chases after a squirrel.
13. "You must not let anyone define your limits because of where you come from. Your only limit is your soul."
Muntz, the villain in the film, gives this advice to Russell.
14. "I do not like the cone of shame."
Dug refers to the Elizabethan collar he has to wear after misbehaving.
15. "I promise, cross my heart."
Russell makes a sincere promise to Carl, showing his trustworthiness.
16. "No, no. I jumped out of the dirigible, not a balloon. Do you think I'm insane?"
Muntz denies accusations that he jumped out of a balloon rather than a dirigible.
17. "The wilderness must be explored! Caw, caw, rawr!"
Russell recites his Wilderness Explorer chant.
18. "To the wilderness!"
Carl shouts this as he and Russell embark on their adventure.
19. "I realized that adventure is the perfect thing to fix this hole in my heart."
Carl acknowledges that embarking on an adventure has helped him find healing for his grief.
20. "I can't lose you again."
Carl expresses his fear of losing Russell after they are separated.
21. "I don't want to survive. I want to live!"
Carl passionately declares his desire for a fulfilling life.
22. "The wilderness is full of dangers and pitfalls."
Muntz warns Russell about the potential dangers they may encounter.
23. "Cross your heart."
Russell emphasizes the sincerity of his promise.
24. "You are my dog. I am your master."
Carl humorously tries to establish dominance over Dug.
25. "I'm going to make it count."
Russell is determined to fulfill his duty as a Wilderness Explorer.
26. "You're my hero!"
Russell expresses his admiration for Carl's bravery.
27. "Snipe! Snipe! Snipe! Snipe!"
Russell excitedly tries to spot a fictional bird called a snipe.
28. "Russell, for assisting the elderly and for performing above and beyond the call of duty, I would like to award you..."
Carl commends Russell for his helpfulness and dedication as a Wilderness Explorer.
29. "I miss you more than words can say."
Carl expresses his deep love and longing for Ellie.
30. "Thanks for the adventure. Now go have a new one!"
Carl concludes the film with these words, encouraging Russell to continue seeking new adventures.
We hope you enjoyed these classic quotes from the movie "Up"! They capture the essence of friendship, adventure, and the importance of following your dreams.
Thank you for taking the time to read this article and immerse yourself in the world of "Up." We hope it brought back fond memories and inspired you once again to chase your own adventures.
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