1. "May the Force be with you" - Star Wars
In the iconic Star Wars franchise, this phrase is often used as a farewell or a wish for good luck. Its literal translation is "愿原力与您同在" in Mandarin, but in English, it is commonly known as "May the Force be with you."

2. "I’ll be back" - Terminator
This memorable line, spoken by Arnold Schwarzenegger's character in the Terminator movies, has become a pop culture catchphrase. Its straightforward translation in Mandarin is "我会回来的." In English, it is simply "I'll be back."
3. "Here's looking at you, kid" - Casablanca
From the classic film Casablanca, Humphrey Bogart's character says this line to Ingrid Bergman's character. It has since become a romantic expression. The Mandarin translation would be "嘿,等得望着你,孩子" while it is commonly known as "Here's looking at you, kid" in English.
4. "You can't handle the truth!" - A Few Good Men
This intense line delivered by Jack Nicholson's character in A Few Good Men has become an iconic quote. Its Mandarin translation is "你不能处理真相!" In English, it is known as "You can't handle the truth!"
5. "I'm the king of the world!" - Titanic
From the blockbuster film Titanic, Leonardo DiCaprio's character famously exclaims this line while standing at the front of the ship. The Mandarin translation would be "我是世界之王!" In English, it is simply "I'm the king of the world!"
6. "I see dead people" - The Sixth Sense
In the supernatural thriller The Sixth Sense, the young boy played by Haley Joel Osment says this line to Bruce Willis' character. Its Mandarin translation is "我看到死人了." In English, it is known as "I see dead people."
7. "To infinity and beyond" - Toy Story
This catchphrase from Buzz Lightyear, voiced by Tim Allen, has become synonymous with the Toy Story franchise. In Mandarin, it can be translated as "超越无限." In English, it is commonly known as "To infinity and beyond!"
8. "I love the smell of napalm in the morning" - Apocalypse Now
In the war film Apocalypse Now, Robert Duvall's character says this line during a chaotic helicopter attack. Its Mandarin translation would be "我喜欢早上的汽油味" while it is commonly known as "I love the smell of napalm in the morning" in English.
9. "Here's Johnny!" - The Shining
Jack Nicholson's character famously delivers this line in the horror film The Shining. In Mandarin, it can be translated as "这里是约翰尼!" In English, it is known as "Here's Johnny!"
10. "Houston, we have a problem" - Apollo 13
This line refers to the actual communication between the Apollo 13 spacecraft and the mission control center in Houston. Its Mandarin translation is "休斯顿,我们有问题." In English, it is simply "Houston, we have a problem."
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