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2024-05-15 21:20:24经典台词1


Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, commonly known as Alice in Wonderland, is a novel written by Lewis Carroll. The story follows a young girl named Alice who falls through a rabbit hole into a fantasy world filled with peculiar characters and challenging situations. One of the enduring aspects of this beloved tale is its memorable dialogues. In this article, we will provide English translations for some of the most iconic quotes from Alice in Wonderland.


1. "Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle."

In the original Chinese: "我到底是谁?啊,这真是个大谜题。"

Translation: This famous line is often uttered by Alice herself, reflecting her confusion and search for identity after entering Wonderland.

2. "I can't go back to yesterday because I was a different person then."

In the original Chinese: "我不能回到昨天,因为当时的我已经不一样了。"

Translation: Alice says this thought-provoking line during a conversation with the Caterpillar. It speaks to the theme of personal growth and the impossibility of returning to the past.

3. "I'm not strange, weird, off, nor crazy. My reality is just different from yours."

In the original Chinese: "我并不奇怪,怪异、偏了、疯狂。只是我的现实与你们不同。"

Translation: The Cheshire Cat speaks these words while explaining to Alice that the madness and nonsense in Wonderland may just be a matter of perspective.

4. "Sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast."

In the original Chinese: "有时我在吃早餐前已经相信了六件不可能的事情。"

Translation: This line, spoken by Alice in a conversation with the Queen, showcases the imaginative nature of Wonderland and Alice's willingness to embrace the extraordinary.

5. "We're all mad here."

In the original Chinese: "我们这里都是疯子。"

Translation: The Mad Hatter tells Alice this famous line, emphasizing the eccentric, nonsensical atmosphere in Wonderland and the acceptance of madness as the norm.


The memorable quotes from Alice in Wonderland provide glimpses into the whimsical and thought-provoking world created by Lewis Carroll. Through their English translations, we get a deeper understanding of the characters and the themes they represent. Whether you are a fan of the book or simply interested in literature, these classic lines continue to inspire and captivate readers of all ages.

Thank you for reading this article! We hope it has shed light on the English translations of the iconic quotes from Alice in Wonderland.

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