1. "You never win with violence. You only win when you maintain your dignity." ("暴力从来不会让你胜出,只有通过保持尊严才会胜出。")
The movie "Green Book" tells the story of an African American classical pianist, Dr. Don Shirley, and his Italian American driver, Tony "Lip" Vallelonga, as they embark on a concert tour in the racially segregated South in the 1960s. With its powerful storytelling and unforgettable performances, this movie left a deep impression on audiences around the world. One of the most memorable aspects of the film is its collection of meaningful and profound quotes, which reflect the themes of dignity, equality, and overcoming prejudice.

Throughout the movie, Dr. Shirley emphasizes the importance of maintaining dignity in the face of adversity. His quote, "You never win with violence. You only win when you maintain your dignity," highlights the belief that violence is not the solution to prejudice and discrimination. Instead, by staying true to oneself and refusing to be dehumanized, one can ultimately triumph over hatred and injustice.
2. "You know, the world is full of lonely people afraid to make the first move." ("你知道,世界上充满了怕主动的孤独人。")
Another memorable quote from "Green Book" is Tony "Lip" Vallelonga's observation: "You know, the world is full of lonely people afraid to make the first move." This quote touches upon the universal human experience of loneliness and the barriers we often build around ourselves out of fear. It reminds us that by taking the initiative and reaching out to others, we can forge meaningful connections and break free from the isolation that plagues so many.
3. "The world's full of lonely people afraid to make the first move." ("世界充满了怕主动的孤独人。")
In some versions of the quote, the wording is slightly different: "The world's full of lonely people afraid to make the first move." Although the wording may vary, the message remains the same. It serves as a reminder that we all have the power to break down the walls of isolation and create connections with others, if only we are brave enough to make the first move.
4. "The only way to get through this is together." ("唯一的方法是一起度过。")
The quote "The only way to get through this is together" speaks to the power of unity in overcoming challenges. This line, spoken by Tony "Lip" Vallelonga, reflects the central theme of the movie: that by joining forces and embracing our shared humanity, we can overcome even the most daunting obstacles.
5. "I love fried chicken!" ("我爱炸鸡!")
Lastly, an amusing quote from the movie is "I love fried chicken!" This lighthearted remark, made by Dr. Don Shirley when he tries fried chicken for the first time, serves as a reminder that it is possible to find joy and common ground even in unexpected places.
Overall, the movie "Green Book" offers a rich tapestry of powerful quotes that explore themes of dignity, bravery, and unity. Through the journeys of Dr. Don Shirley and Tony "Lip" Vallelonga, the film highlights the importance of staying true to oneself, overcoming prejudice, and reaching out to others. These quotes serve as valuable reminders of the universal lessons we can learn from the characters and their experiences.
Thank you for reading this article on the classic quotes from the movie "Green Book". These quotes remind us of the importance of maintaining dignity, breaking down barriers, and embracing our shared humanity. Whether it's through the power of non-violence, the willingness to make the first move, or the realization that we are stronger together, these words have the ability to inspire and resonate with audiences of all backgrounds and cultures. We hope that this article has provided you with insights and appreciation for the profound messages conveyed in "Green Book".
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