20 Classic Quotes from Coco in English
Coco is a heartwarming animated film that tells the story of a young boy named Miguel who dreams of becoming a musician. In his journey to fulfill his dream, he is transported to the Land of the Dead where he discovers the importance of family and the power of following one's passion. This article presents 20 iconic quotes from Coco, translated from Chinese to English, that have resonated with audiences around the world.

1. "不争不抢不骗,必须以生活而持续"
"No fighting, no stealing, no lying. Only through life can we thrive."
2. "不要忘记,你的老祖父在这个世界上是第一个爱上音乐的人"
"Never forget, your great-great-grandfather was the first person in the world to fall in love with music."
3. "梦想是为了让我们知道哪些事情值得坚持"
"Dreams help us know which things are worth the fight."
4. "只有一种事情超过了爱情,那就是被爱"
"There's only one thing stronger than love, and that's being loved in return."
5. "人们生前只要有人记得他,他就永远不会真正死去"
"As long as someone remembers you, you will never truly die."
6. "每一次我们说出一个逝去者的名字,他们的灵魂就会靠近"
"Every time we say the name of a departed loved one, their spirit draws near."
7. "有时候,人不得不离开,因为你不能为你所爱的人逆转他的激情"
"Sometimes, people have to leave, because you can't change the passion of someone you love."
8. "我们已经和我们的亲人失去了联系,我们失去了祖父的倦怠"
"We've lost our connection with our family, we've lost Abuelita's sleepy prayers."
9. "你不能阻止一个心智坚定的人,抓住他的热情">
"You can't stop someone who is determined to follow their passion."
10. "如果我们不能推翻的话,就该引领它"
"If we can't return, we should lead the way."
11. "有时候,我们需要放下乐器,听一首心灵的声音"
"Sometimes, we have to put down our instruments and listen to the sound of the heart."
12. "记住,很重要的意义是无论你在何处,家永远都在你心中"
"Remember, it doesn't matter where you are, your family is always in your heart."
13. "我们的记忆是礼物,我们有义务将它们传承下去"
"Our memories are a gift, and it is our duty to pass them on."
14. "当他们活在我们心中,他们就永远活着"
"As long as they live in our hearts, they will never truly die."
15. "也许这些亡灵可以帮助我们找到回家的路"
"Maybe these departed souls can help us find our way home."
16. "生活是奇特的事物,它让我们为我们爱的人付出一切"
"Life is a strange thing. It makes us give up everything for the ones we love."
17. "音乐没有边界,它连接着我们的心,在死亡之前和死亡之后"
"Music knows no boundaries. It connects our hearts before and after death."
18. "在路上,我必须找到我的真实自我"
"On my journey, I must find my true self."
19. "回忆会消失,人会被遗忘,但我们的生活留下的痕迹永远不会消失"
"Memories fade, people's names will be forgotten, but our legacy will never disappear."
20. "记住,我们活下来的每一天都是我们祖先传递给我们的故事"
"Remember, every day we live is a story that our ancestors handed down to us."
Thank you for reading through these 20 classic quotes from Coco in English. We hope these quotes have touched your heart and reminded you of the importance of family, dreams, and following your passion. May you always remember the power of music and the impact it can have on our lives.
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