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2024-05-19 01:50:17经典台词1


"你以为死亡是可怕的吗?待会儿我会告诉你,生活比死亡可怕得多。" - William Wallace


"Do you think death is terrifying? I'll tell you later, life is much more terrifying than death." - William Wallace

"他们可能夺走我们的生命,但他们永远无法夺走我们的自由。" - William Wallace

"They may take our lives, but they will never take our freedom." - William Wallace

"每个人都会死,但不是每个人真正活过。" - William Wallace

"Every man dies, but not every man truly lives." - William Wallace

"自由的代价是永远警醒。" - William Wallace

"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance." - William Wallace

"我愿意为自由而战,无论付出多大代价。" - William Wallace

"I'm willing to fight for freedom, no matter the cost." - William Wallace

"不要因这一秒而后悔,因为这一秒是你活着的理由。" - William Wallace

"Do not regret the seconds, for the seconds are the reason you are alive." - William Wallace

"历史会记录我们的勇气,但永远不会记住我们的胆怯。" - William Wallace

"History will remember our bravery, but will never remember our cowardice." - William Wallace


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