In the end you choose do not choose my answer
In fact I used to engage in translation
Well, if you are looking to understand that you win
Do Freeze copied ah
If you want to seek death I can not stay
——来自电影 Invincible pit father
谁能告诉我! 一些英语电影中的经典台词!
Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world,she walks into mine.
旁白:Mr Cherry is a woodcarver and Geppetto likes to build wooden objects . They are good friends .
MC: Good morning , Geppetto .
MG: Good morning , Mr Cherry .
MC: How are you , today ?
MG: I’m very well . How about you ?
MC: Fine , thank you .
MG: Mr. Cherry . Can I have this piece of wood , please ?
MC: Sure , that piece of wood is a present for you . It’s magic !
旁白:Geppetto makes a puppet .
He says to the puppet: “This is Pinocchio , my puppet .”
旁白:Pinocchio has a funny face , a neck , a body , 2 arms , 2 hands , 2legs and 2 feet .
MG: Pinocchio , don’t be naughty to your old father !
P: I want to be naughty .
旁白:What a surprise ! Pinocchio , the puppet , can speak , but he has bad manners !
Geppetto is very poor and sells his jacket to buy a book for Pinocchio .
MG: You have to go to school , Pinocchio . Here is your ABC book
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