绿皮书监狱台词? 绿皮书英文影评?

"Green Book" is a fantastic film with outstanding performances from Mahershala Ali and Viggo Mortensen. Set in the 1960s, the movie tells the story of African-American pianist Don Shirley and his Italian-American driver Tony Vallelonga as they embark on a concert tour through the racially segregated South. Along the way they face many challenges, but through their friendship and bond they overcome them.
Both Ali and Mortensen give award-worthy performances in their respective roles. Ali's portrayal of Shirley is mesmerizing, capturing his elegance and wit while also conveying his sadness at the racism he endures. Mortensen's Vallelonga is initially rough around the edges, but over the course of the movie he becomes a true friend and ally to Shirley.
The film's script is both heartwarming and humorous, and highlights the power of friendship to overcome bigotry and prejudice. Through their journey together, Shirley and Vallelonga break down barriers and establish a deep connection that transcends race and class.
Overall, "Green Book" is a film with a powerful message that is delivered flawlessly through superb performances and a heartwarming story. It is a must-see for anyone interested in thought-provoking cinema that makes you feel good.
The 91st Academy Awards ceremony, presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS), honored the best films of 2018, and took place at the Dolby Theatre in Hollywood, Los Angeles, California.
The ceremony was held on February 24, 2019.
The film won the Academy Award for Best Picture, as well as Best Original Screenplay and Best Supporting Actor.Role introduction
Don Shirley, an African American pianist. He is looking for a driver for his eight-week concert tour through the Midwest and Deep South.
New York City bouncer Frank "Tony Lip" Vallelonga.He is searching for new employment after the nightclub where he works is closed for renovations. Don hires Tony on the strength of his references. They embark with plans to return to New York on Christmas Eve. Don&apos
绿皮书,英文是green book,指的是一本专门针对有色人种的出行指南,里面介绍了各个欢迎,甚至仅仅欢迎有色人种的地方,包括住宿,餐厅,等等。故事本身设置在了1960年代的 美国,选材来自于一个真实的故事,电影中的两个主角在现实生活中也确有其人。
由马赫沙拉·阿里(Mahershala Ali)饰演的唐纳德·谢尔利(Donald Walbridge Shirley)是一名美国古典和爵士乐的钢琴家和创作家,在1960年在一名白人司机的陪同下在美国巡演,其中包括美国的南方保守区。
1.My father used to say,whatever you do, do it a hundred percent.when you eat, eat like it's your last meal.
不管你做什么 都要做到极致,上班就认真工作笑就尽情大笑,吃东西时 就像是最后一餐那样去享受。
2.They didn't have a choice whether to be inside or out. You did.
3.You`ll never win with violence, Tony, you only win when you maintain your dignity. Dignity always prevails.
暴力永远无法取胜 ,托尼,坚守尊严才会赢,因为自尊总能让你占理。
4.You know... the world's full of lonely people afraid to make the first move.
5.Because genius is not enough. It takes courage to change people's hearts.
因为光靠天赋是不够的 改变大众的想法需要勇气。
The Green Book is a movie that tells the story of a family's journey through a divided society.
It is a powerful movie that highlights the struggles and joys of a family who must navigate the different cultural and political landscape of their homeland. It has been praised for its strong performances, the story it tells, and the way it captures the beauty of the Mediterranean.
It is a story of resilience and hope in the face of oppression and despair. It is a movie that speaks to the power of human connection and the importance of family. It is a story that emphasizes the importance of understanding and accepting each other’s differences, and the idea that we all can make a difference in the world.
It is a movie that leaves you feeling inspired and hopeful, and it is a movie that will stay with you long after the credits roll.
my father used to say,whatever you do,do it a hundred percent,when you work,work,when you laugh laugh,when you eat eat,like it is your last meal。
《绿皮书》电影主角英文名是Viggo Mortensen。
该片改编自真人真事,讲述了托尼(维果·莫腾森Viggo Mortensen饰)是一个吊儿郎当游手好闲的混混,在一家夜总会做侍者。这间夜总会因故要停业几个月,可托尼所要支付的房租和生活费不会因此取消,所以他的当务之急是去寻找另一份工作来填补这几个月的空缺。在这个节骨眼上,一位名叫唐雪莉(马赫沙拉·阿里Mahershala Ali饰)的黑人钢琴家提出雇佣托尼。唐雪莉即将开始为期八个星期的南下巡回演出,可是,那个时候南方对黑人的歧视非常的严重,于是托尼便成为了唐雪莉的司机兼保镖。一路上,两人迥异的性格使得他们之间产生了很多的矛盾,与此同时,唐雪莉在南方所遭受的种种不公平的对待也让托尼对种族歧视感到深恶痛绝。
在「民权法案」于 1964 年通过之前,维克多格林的绿皮书对于想要在全国各地旅行的美国黑人来说至关重要。
公路旅行在 20 世纪的美国极为流行,而黑人却在路上处处受阻,因此,绿皮书诞生了。这本书的篇幅覆盖了全美 50 个州,列出了大部分没有种族歧视的酒店、餐馆、加油站、美容院以及其他服务的公共设施。
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