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Discover the Classic Quotes from Journey to the West Translated into English

2024-06-28 17:33:12经典台词1

Journey to the West, also known as Monkey King, is a classic Chinese novel that has been beloved by readers for centuries. The novel is not only famous for its fascinating storyline, but also for its memorable quotes. In this article, we will explore some of the most iconic quotes from Journey to the West and their English translations.

Discover the Classic Quotes from Journey to the West Translated into English

1. "取经之路,千难万险,唯力强者始能成"

"On the journey to obtain the scriptures, there are thousands of difficulties and ten thousand dangers. Only the strong ones can succeed."

2. "年年岁岁花相似,岁岁年年人不同"

"The flowers are similar from year to year, but people are different year after year."

3. "人法地,地法天,天法道,道法自然"

"Man follows the earth, the earth follows the heavens, the heavens follow the way, the way follows nature."

These quotes from Journey to the West not only capture the essence of the novel, but also offer wisdom that transcends time and culture. They remind us of the enduring appeal of this literary masterpiece and its relevance to our lives today.

Thank you for taking the time to explore the classic quotes from Journey to the West with their English translations. We hope this article has provided insight into the profound wisdom encapsulated in these iconic lines.

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