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Explore the Classic Lines of Journey to the West in English

2024-06-28 19:33:11经典台词1

The Classic Lines of Journey to the West in English

The classic Chinese novel "Journey to the West" is not only famous for its adventurous story, but also for its memorable lines. These lines have been loved by generations of readers and have been frequently adapted into various forms of media. Here, we present some of the most iconic lines from "Journey to the West" in English, allowing you to appreciate the charm of this literary masterpiece from a new perspective.

Explore the Classic Lines of Journey to the West in English

1. "How can a mere fish serve as guide and help to speed the pilgrimage homeward? If you can leap out of this net, you'll unfailingly leap through to the source of the fish spirit."

Original Chinese: "鱼肉充公,指引早归,你一旦脱网,定然窜出鲲鹏。"

2. "The winds and clouds all gathered because of the great cause, while a holy man refused the elixir of gold."

Original Chinese: "四海风雨皆成由大业,白云乡坛不吃金丹。"

3. "Even after the great waves have vanished, the golden lotus will always be there."

Original Chinese: "浪涌完时金莲不碎。"

4. "It’s my fate to fetch the scripture, to cross their culture, save all living creatures, and to spare them from distress with merciful heart."

Original Chinese: "去追取经度其乐,渡文殊,救生灵,慈心解厄。"

5. "The future will be grander and more touching."

Original Chinese: "后会有期,更胜悲壮。"

These lines not only showcase the poetic beauty of "Journey to the West", but also reflect the profound wisdom and philosophy embedded in the novel. They continue to inspire and resonate with readers across different cultures and languages.

Thank you for exploring the classic lines of "Journey to the West" in English. We hope that this journey has offered you new insights into the timeless appeal of this literary masterpiece.

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