
1. "May the Force be with you." - Star Wars
Star Wars里,“愿原力与你同在。”
2. "Here's looking at you, kid." - Casablanca
3. "You can't handle the truth!" - A Few Good Men
A Few Good Men里,“你handle不了真相!”
4. "I'll be back." - The Terminator
The Terminator里,“我会回来。”
5. "To infinity and beyond." - Toy Story
Toy Story里,“向无限之外!”
6. "You talking to me?" - Taxi Driver
Taxi Driver里,“你在和我说话吗?”
7. "I feel the need - the need for speed." - Top Gun
Top Gun里,“我感受到需求 - 速度的需求。”
8. "Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer." - The Godfather Part II
The Godfather Part II里,“让朋友留在身边,但让敌人留得更近。”
9. "Houston, we have a problem." - Apollo 13
Apollo 13里,“休斯顿,我们有问题了。”
10. "I'm king of the world!" - Titanic
11. "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn." - Gone with the Wind
Gone with the Wind里,“坦白地说,亲爱的,我才不在乎呢。”
12. "There's no place like home." - The Wizard of Oz
The Wizard of Oz里,“没有比家更好的地方了。”
13. "You can't sit with us!" - Mean Girls
Mean Girls里,“你不能和我们坐在一起!”
14. "It's alive! It's alive!" - Frankenstein
15. "Here's Johnny!" - The Shining
The Shining里,“约翰尼在这!”
16. "E.T. phone home." - E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial
E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial里,“E.T.打电话回家。”
17. "I'll have what she's having." - When Harry Met Sally
When Harry Met Sally里,“我要和她一样的。”
18. "I see dead people." - The Sixth Sense
The Sixth Sense里,“我看见死人了。”
19. "My precious." - The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers里,“我的宝贝。”
20. "Why so serious?" - The Dark Knight
The Dark Knight里,“为什么这么认真?”
21. "I'll never let go, Jack." - Titanic
22. "You is kind. You is smart. You is important." - The Help
The Help里,“你很善良。你很聪明。你很重要。”
23. "Hasta la vista, baby." - Terminator 2: Judgment Day
Terminator 2: Judgment Day里,“再见,宝贝。”
24. "Here's your domain." - The Matrix
The Matrix里,“这是你的领地。”
25. "Get busy living, or get busy dying." - The Shawshank Redemption
The Shawshank Redemption里,“忙着活着,不然就忙着死。”
26. "Nobody puts Baby in a corner." - Dirty Dancing
Dirty Dancing里,“没人能把宝贝困在角落里。”
27. "Carpe diem. Seize the day, boys." - Dead Poets Society
Dead Poets Society里,“抓住今天。抓住今天,伙计们。”
28. "I see you." - Avatar
29. "Say hello to my little friend!" - Scarface
30. "I'm the king of the world!" - Titanic
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