
1. “生活就像一根绳子,每个人都在上面攀登下降。”
英文: "Life is like a rope, twirling around. Everyone is the same, climbing and dropping."
2. “有时,我们需要在夜晚去想像各种故事。”
英文: "Sometimes, it’s good to imagine stories at night."
3. “友谊比任何东西都重要。”
英文: "Friendship is more important than any other thing."
4. “我们台上传下去的故事,就会一直永存。”
英文: "The story we pass on will always be with us."
5. “不是每一只蜘蛛都能写出字。”
英文: "Not all spiders can write."
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