
Classic Quotes
1. “You’re an embarrassment to nature.” – “你真是对大自然的一大耻辱。”
2. “I’m not fat. It’s all this fur. It makes me look poofy.” – “我才不胖呢。都是这些毛让我显得松松垮垮的。”
3. “I’m an embarrassment to nature. If I were you, I’d go on a diet.” – “我是大自然的一大耻辱。如果我是你,我就该节食了。”
4. “Don’t you know? It’s the end of the world!” – “难道你不知道吗?这就是世界末日!”
5. “I’m a piranha, they think I’m a piranha, I’m just a little tiny fish!” – “我是食人鱼,它们都以为我是食人鱼,我只是一条小小的鱼!”
6. “If he doesn't stop this, I'm going to kill him!” – “如果他再不闭嘴,我就要杀了他!”
7. “Where are we going?” “Back to the Ice Age.” – “我们要去哪?” “回到冰河时代。”
8. “She's gonna make a great mom someday.” – “她迟早会成为一个伟大的妈妈。”
9. “If it weren’t for you, I’d still be in New York. Nice talking to you, Rudy.” – “要不是因为你,我还会在纽约。和你聊得很愉快,鲁迪。”
10. “As soon as you fall asleep, I’m gonna tie you up and toss you overboard!” – “等你一睡着,我就把你捆起来扔到海里去!”
11. “I know everything!” – “我什么都知道!”
12. “Our love fern! You let it die!” – “我们的爱情蕨!你让它死了!”
13. “You were a scream!” – “你太搞笑了!”
14. “Yeah, but we'll die.” – “是的,但我们会死的。”
15. “He's not a freak, he's a weasel.” – “他不是怪物,他是黄鼠狼。”
16. “This fur coat’s a one-of-a-kind heirloom.” – “这件皮大衣是独一无二的传家宝。”
17. “I'm going to kill him!” – “我要杀了他!”
18. “People like blood sausage too, but they don't want to know how it's made.” – “人们也喜欢吃血肠,但他们不想知道它是怎么做的。”
19. “You two-timing me with an elephant!” – “你竟然和一头大象背叛我!”
20. “Looks like a water slide to nowhere.” – “看起来像是通往无尽的水道。”
21. “I may be on the wrong side of this, but that’s the right thing to do.” – “也许我站在错误的一边,但这才是正确的做法。”
22. “What can I say? The ladies love the tail.” – “我能说什么呢?女士们都喜欢尾巴。”
23. “If you're ever in my neighborhood, I'll have you over for a play date with the kids.” – “如果你有机会来我这里玩,我会让你和孩子们一起玩的。”
24. “What's that? It looks like a tree, but it's mushy.” – “那是什么?看起来像树,但是软塌塌的。”
25. “But there are all kinds of nuts. There’s, um, pistachios! And, um, pine nuts, and um...cashews, with their weird little legs...” – “但有各种各样的坚果。有开心果!还有松子,还有...腰果,还有它们奇怪的小腿...”
26. “That's what you want?” “It's what we're gonna get.” – “那就是你想要的?” “那就是我们要得到的东西。”
27. “One day, they'll all get what's coming to them.” – “总有一天,他们都会得到他们应得的惩罚。”
28. “I don't know what's weirder -- the fact that you're a sloth or that you thought you could save them with a melon baller!” – “我不知道哪个更奇怪 -- 你是只懒惰动物,还是你以为用西瓜刨挽救他们!”
29. “This is gonna be like taking candy from a baby.” – “这会比从小朋友那里抢糖果还容易。”
30. “And if you die, I promise I’ll eat you.” – “如果你死了,我发誓我会吃掉你。”
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