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2024-07-03 08:19:13经典台词1

1. "Sometimes we wake up in the middle of the night, we can feel it: the ice age is coming."

经典英文台词一: "有时我们在半夜醒来,我们能感觉到:冰河世纪即将来临。"


2. "I'm not fat. I'm just big-boned!"

经典英文台词二: "我不是胖,我只是骨架大!"

3. "I don't know what's wrong with me. I don't like any of the guys I date. And the ones I do like, don't like me."

经典英文台词三: "我不知道我怎么了,我不喜欢约会的男孩。而我喜欢的那些,又不喜欢我。"

4. "I'll die before I give in. Never again! It's madness!"

经典英文台词四: "我宁死也不屈服。再也不!疯了!"

5. "Am I the only one who thinks that the sunshine and the water are, like, the same thing?"

经典英文台词五: "我是唯一一个认为阳光和水是一样的吗?"

6. "That's one angry squirrel."

经典英文台词六: "那是一只愤怒的松鼠."

7. "I'm too young to be extinct!"

经典英文台词七: "我还太年轻,我不想灭绝!"

8. "I didn't start it. He's trying to eat me, trying to eat me!"

经典英文台词八: "不是我招惹的。他想吃我,想吃我!"

9. "An acorn is gonna die!"

经典英文台词九: "一颗橡子就要死了!"

10. "I'm not a mammoth, I'm a pig. Well, thank you for including me."

经典英文台词十: "我不是猛犸象,我是猪。嗯,谢谢你把我算进来。"


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