
1. “Don't you know? There is no 'I' in 'team'.”
2. “I'm not fat. I'm just easy to see.”
3. “I'm a piranha! In a form of marshmallow!”
4. “I'm not fat. I'm fluffy!”
5. “Well, well, well, what do we have here? Sid, the sloth. Sid, from the ... 'I have no friends, I have no family, no one wants me, I'm an orphan' ... Well, looks like you do have a family. Right here. We're your family, Sid.”
6. “I'm a master of disguise.”
7. “With all due respect, the 'sabre-tooth squirrel' is a legend.”
8. “We have been living above an entire sub-duct 文 or tectonic plate!”
9. “By the powers ... vested in me ... I now pronounce you ... mammoth and wife.”
10. “I find a whole bunch of diamonds and you find a sloth. I'm cracking the whip!”
11. “Butterfly? I'm a burly butterfly!”
12. “I'm living la vida loca.”
13. “I'm going for fear, surprise, ruthless efficiency, and an almost fanatical devotion to the Pope!”
14. “You’re like an eagle, with the eyes of a hawk.”
15. “The Crust of the Earth.”
16. “I’m detached.”
17. “How 'bout we call it 'Steve'?”
18. “Ice. Ice, Baby!”
19. “Lure him in close, then I jump on him. How does this sound?”
20. “Behold, the Chamber of Judgment!”
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