As one of the most beloved animated film series globally, "Ice Age" has captured the hearts of audiences with its lovable characters, thrilling adventures, and memorable dialogues. In this article, we will revisit some of the classic lines from the "Ice Age" franchise in their original English versions.

1. "I'm not fat. I'm just a little... husky."
2. "Acorn, oh acorn, you're my only friend."
3. "Squeak, squeakity, squeak, squeak."
Manfred (Manny)
1. "Sometimes I wonder if the herd wouldn't be better off without me..."
2. "We fought. We nearly died. That's what you do in a herd."
1. "Hello! We are the Herd, and you are not welcome here!"
2. "I don't know about you guys, but we are the weirdest herd I've ever seen."
1. "I don't trust fish that carry knives."
2. "That's what you call a wonderful story."
These iconic lines from "Ice Age" have not only entertained audiences of all ages but have also left a lasting impression with their wit, humor, and wisdom. The charming characters and their adventures continue to resonate with fans around the world, making "Ice Age" a timeless classic in the world of animation.
Thank you for exploring the English versions of the classic quotes from "Ice Age". We hope this article has brought back fond memories and helped you relive the magic of this beloved animated franchise.
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