
- "It’s called a hustle, sweetheart."(这叫做套路,亲爱的。)
- "In Zootopia, anyone can be anything."(在疯狂动物城,任何人都有可能成为任何东西。)
- "Life's a little bit messy. We all make mistakes."(生活有时会有些混乱。我们都会犯错。)
- "I don’t know when to quit."(我不知道什么时候该放弃。)
- "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself."(我们唯一需要害怕的就是恐惧本身。)
- "We may be evolved, but deep down, we are still animals."(我们也许已经进化了,但根本上,我们还是动物。)
- "Real life is messy. We all have limitations."(现实生活很凌乱。我们都有局限性。)
- "It’s called a hustle, sweetheart."(这叫做套路,亲爱的。)
- "In Zootopia, anyone can be anything."(在疯狂动物城,任何人都有可能成为任何东西。)
- "Life's a little bit messy. We all make mistakes."(生活有时会有些混乱。我们都会犯错。)
- "I don’t know when to quit."(我不知道什么时候该放弃。)
- "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself."(我们唯一需要害怕的就是恐惧本身。)
- "We may be evolved, but deep down, we are still animals."(我们也许已经进化了,但根本上,我们还是动物。)
- "Real life is messy. We all have limitations."(现实生活很凌乱。我们都有局限性。)
- "Anyone can be anything."(任何人都可以成为任何东西。)
- "Don’t give up!"(不要放弃!)
- "Change starts with you, it starts with me, it starts with all of us."(改变始于你,始于我,始于我们所有人。)
- "Never let them see that they get to you."(绝不让他们发现他们打动了你。)
- "All right. It’s night howlers, which are, it’s not wolves. It’s not wolves!"(好吧。是夜间鼠尾草,不是狼。不是狼!)
- "Have a blessed day."(祝你有一个充实的一天。)
- "Who am I?"(我是谁?)
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