1. "Today is the day"
The famous catchphrase from "Inside Out" signifies the beginning of a new adventure for the characters.

2. "Congratulations San Francisco, you've ruined pizza!"
This humorous line reflects the unique perspective of the characters on emotions and memories.
3. "I'm not sure. But Riley's no longer on the island, that's for sure."
This quote captures the uncertainty and concern surrounding the changes in Riley's emotional state.
4. "Take her to the moon for me. Okay?"
This poignant line showcases the deep bond between the characters and their willingness to go to great lengths for each other.
5. "What was that? I thought you said we were gonna act casual?"
This humorous exchange illustrates the challenges the characters face while navigating through Riley's mind.
6. "I'm too sad to walk. Just give me a few hours."
This comical yet relatable line showcases the quirky portrayal of emotions and their impact on behavior.
7. "You lie down here and just... soak it in."
This quote reflects the importance of processing and embracing all emotions, even the difficult ones.
8. "I've got the short end of the stick."
This line captures the frustration and challenges faced by the characters as they navigate through Riley's mind.
9. "Congratulations, San Francisco! You've ruined pizza!"
This repeated line adds humor and emphasizes the characters' unique take on the changes in Riley's life.
10. "I'll walk back to Minnesota."
This line showcases the determination and resilience of the characters in facing the obstacles within Riley's mind.
Thank you for exploring these classic lines from the English version of "Inside Out". These quotes vividly capture the emotional journey of the characters and the insights they provide into the human mind.
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