
Don't let fear stop you from doing the thing you love.
Fear should never be the obstacle that holds you back. Whether it's singing, dancing, or any other passion, don't let fear hinder you from pursuing what you love.
Remember, you're not a joke. You're a performer.
This phrase highlights the importance of self-respect and confidence. No matter what others may say or think, always remember your own value and embrace the identity of a performer.
Sometimes, you hit a wall. You just have to push through it.
Setbacks and obstacles are inevitable, but the key is to keep moving forward. When you encounter challenges, remember to stay determined and push through the difficulties.
Life is a whole lot of numbers. You hit some, you miss some.
This reflects the ups and downs in life. Sometimes you succeed and sometimes you fail, but it's all part of the journey. Embrace the process and learn from both the hits and the misses.
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