As one of the most beloved films of recent years, "Coco" has captured the hearts of audiences around the world. One of the many aspects that contribute to its popularity is the memorable and meaningful quotes from the movie. In this article, we will explore some of the classic lines from "Coco," providing both the original English and translated versions.

Remember Me
1. "Remember me, though I have to say goodbye, remember me..."
Translation: “记住我,虽然我不得不说再见,记住我......”
The World Es Mi Familia
2. "The world es mi familia." (The world is my family.)
Translation: “世界就是我的家人。”
Frida Kahlo's Alebrije Spirit
3. "I am not like the rest of my family. There's something that makes me different."
Translation: “我和家人不一样,有些地方与众不同。”
Seize Your Moment
4. "Seize your moment."
Translation: “抓住你的机会。”
These quotes from "Coco" capture the essence of the film, and they continue to resonate with audiences of all ages. Whether it’s the captivating visuals, the touching storyline, or the memorable dialogue, "Coco" has left a lasting impression on many. The timeless wisdom and heartfelt emotion expressed in these lines will surely continue to inspire and move people for years to come.
Thank you for reading. We hope that revisiting these classic quotes has brought back fond memories of this heartwarming film and its powerful messages. May they continue to remind us of the importance of family, tradition, and following our dreams.
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