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2024-07-09 11:55:09经典台词1

Remember Me/ 回忆我

Miguel: I have to sing, I have to play. The music, it's not just in me. It is me. When life gets me down, I play my guitar. The rest of the world may follow the rules, but I must follow my heart. You know that feeling, like there's a song in the air and it's playing just for you? "Remember Me," though I have to say goodbye, remember me. Don't let it make you cry. For even if I'm far away, I hold you in my heart. I sing a secret song to you, each night we are apart.
米格尔: 我必须唱歌,我必须弹奏。音乐不只是深藏在我心中,音乐就是我。当生活使我感到沮丧时,我会弹奏我的吉他。世界其他地方可能都遵循规章制度,但我必须听从内心。你知道那种感觉,就像空气中出现了一首歌,而它只为你而奏响?“回忆我”,即使我不得不说再见,记得我。不要让它让你哭泣。因为即使我远在天边,我会把你装在心里。我每个晚上都会给你唱一首秘密的歌,因为我们隔离的时候。


Family/ 家庭

Héctor: No llores, no te rindas. Y recuerda, siempre cuidamos de ti.
赫克托尔: 别哭泣,别放弃。记住,我们永远都在照顾你。

Pursuing Dreams/ 追寻梦想

Mamá Imelda: No woman is gonna make a fool out of me again.
伊梅尔达妈妈: 再也不会有任何女人让我出丑了。

Love and Loss/ 爱与失去

Mamá Coco: Remember, from that moment on, he was there to stay. And as a little guy, I'd grab my guitar, and strum the pain away. He'd say, i love you, m'ijo, and i’d strum the pain away.
科科奶奶: 记住,从那一刻起,他就在那里。当我还是个小家伙的时候,我会拿起吉他,用音乐排解痛苦。他会说,我爱你,孩子,然后我就用音乐排解痛苦。


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