1. "我会永远留在你心中的,无论你经历了什么都会想起我。"
中文: "我会永远留在你心中的,无论你经历了什么都会想起我。"

英文: "I will always stay in your heart, no matter what you go through, you will think of me."
2. "生命太短暂,不值得留给一点点怀疑和后悔。"
中文: "生命太短暂,不值得留给一点点怀疑和后悔。"
英文: "Life is too short to be left to a little doubt and regret."
3. "别为过去而紧张,别为未来而担忧。现在所拥有的才是最珍贵的。"
中文: "别为过去而紧张,别为未来而担忧。现在所拥有的才是最珍贵的。"
英文: "Don't be anxious about the past, don't worry about the future. What you have now is the most precious."
4. "每个人的内心都有一扇邻里,既避风藏雨又明媚晴朗。"
中文: "每个人的内心都有一扇邻里,既避风藏雨又明媚晴朗。"
英文: "Everyone's heart has a window, both shelter from wind and rain and bright and sunny."
5. "你不需要全世界的人都喜欢你,只需要一个人,全心全意。"
中文: "你不需要全世界的人都喜欢你,只需要一个人,全心全意。"
英文: "You don't need everyone in the world to like you, you just need one person, wholeheartedly."
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