冰雪奇缘话剧台词英语 | 《冰雪奇缘》经典台词英文版
As a popular animated film, "Frozen" has been adapted into a Broadway musical, and the stage play features iconic songs and memorable lines. Here, we've compiled some of the most famous quotes and lines from the "Frozen" musical in English, so fans and English learners can enjoy the magic of the story in a new way.

1. "Let It Go"
The most well-known song from "Frozen," "Let It Go," also includes powerful and inspiring lines:
- Elsa: "The cold never bothered me anyway."
- Elsa: "I'm never going back, the past is in the past."
2. "For the First Time in Forever"
This song and scene from the musical includes some memorable dialogue:
- Anna: "For the first time in forever, I'm getting what I'm dreaming of!"
- Elsa: "I'm scared, it's really happening."
3. "Love is an Open Door"
A pivotal moment in the story, this song holds some romantic and impactful lines:
- Hans: "We finish each other's... sandwiches!"
- Anna: "That's what I was gonna say!"
4. "Do You Want to Build a Snowman?"
This touching song includes lines that tug at the heartstrings:
- Young Anna: "Do you want to build a snowman? It doesn't have to be a snowman."
- Young Elsa: "Go away, Anna."
The "Frozen" musical brings the beloved story to life on stage, and the English lines and lyrics from the play allow fans to experience the magic of the tale in a new and exciting way. Whether you're a fan of the animated film or a learner of English, these quotes and lines capture the essence of "Frozen" and its unforgettable characters.
Thank you for reading through this collection of "Frozen" musical lines in English. We hope it brings a new perspective and enjoyment to the beloved story of "Frozen."
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