汉代妇女参政议政多是因为皇帝短命,幼主临朝造成的局面 ,这种局面主要出现在东汉。东汉在章帝后,出现太后称制,幼主临朝,进一步的发展成宦官干政,外戚擅权的局面。
In the feminist movement of the United States, women's liberation can be measured by certain social standards: namely, the political right to participate in the political power, the right to vote, the right to be elected and the right to manage the country; To enjoy the full equality of rights and obligations with men in law. Economically, there are opportunities for full employment and broad avenues for employment, and the right of possession, use, disposal and inheritance of personal and family means of livelihood. Universal access to compulsory education, access to education in line with their own ability to develop, so that the role of intelligence to be given full play, fully recognized by the community. Marriage is based on love, equality between husband and wife within the family, and modernization and socialization of housework. The gender discrimination of male superiority and female inferiority should be completely eliminated in the ideology, and a good social custom of respecting women should be established.
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