Those allowed to be squandered"s called youth, grasping the hands of those not strong, called memories, remorse is stolen moments ......

Thief years of baptism notebook away, leaving only a piece of yellowed notes when hastily ran: old to come along.
Who"s allowed to be squandered, and occasionally you will be piggybacked to the written Gonggongzhengzheng sticky font, new conveniences bars stacked too square. Then the skies are blue, circle footprints on the runway narrative once you my thoughts. School on the way, can not help but encounter deliberately mess up your hair, mouth up only for a moment.
Then you do not know the reality look, read a hint of a loss. No place to nostalgia, only the nostalgia of you. You put our feelings between watering, it will germinate, it will grow, know one day wither, and why? I"m sorry, because I am.
School bell echoed ears silence sunset reflected on my face, I looked around from time to time still standing in the hallway looking forward to your face. I changed you have changed, no longer a different past.
It is how long, you will not smile at me, and I will not cry, I fall when you will not be bullied by the outlet for me, I will silently in the hallway, quietly pretending to see you chic, from time to time to see you and other people laughing, can not help but heart accurate. After many years have you with me you have my companion, she accompany you through countless spring and autumn, she will take you as the only precious, she will snuggle in your arms and tell her that once truly loved.
Stolen moments is sad, gentle distressed during the winter warmth of the sun all rendered on vague outline, becomes part of the memory. Years later remember me? Still remember my name? Also find you can not find me ever.
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