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2022-11-22 01:27:03经典台词1

1嘿!好消息!我找到一条近路!Great news. I found a shortcut.

2什么近路?就是走着要比走长路快- What do you mean, shortcut?- I mean faster than the long way around.

3噢!我知道什么叫“近路”!I know what a shortcut is.

4我们穿过去就能比人类先到“冰川道”不然就会错过他们Either we beat the humans to Glacier Passor we take the long way and miss 'em.

5穿过那儿?你把我当什么了?Through there? What do you take me for?

6明天这个时候你…就可以自由了This time tomorrow,you could be a free mammoth.

7或继续做保姆玩“躲躲猫”我是不会腻的Or a nanny. I never get tired of peekaboo.

8伙计们,瞧这个Guys. Guys. Check this out.

9老虎找到一条近路Sid, the tiger found a shortcut.

10不,谢谢,我想活命No, thanks. I choose life.

11那我建议你最好还是走近路Then I suggest you take the shortcut.

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