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2022-09-20 04:19:51经典语录1


Everyone has a dead Angle,

If you can't walk out, you can't get through.

I put the deepest secret there.

You don't understand me. I don't blame you.

Everyone has a wound,

Or deep or shallow, covering the cloth, believing that it does not exist.

I put the most red blood there.

You don't understand me. I don't blame you.

Everyone has a love,

Heart, use sentiment, force, move also sentimental.

I hid the most scorching heat there.

You don't understand me. I don't blame you.

Everyone has a line of tears,

The cold water that drank, the brewing of hot tears.

I put the most poignant grievances there.

You don't understand me. I don't blame you.

Everyone has a confession.

Uneasy, uneasy, but full of heart and courage.

I use the most lyrical language there.

You don't understand me. I don't blame you.

You can never see the time when I love you most,

Because I love you only when I can't see you.

Also, you can never see my loneliest,

Because I am only lonely when you can't see me.

Maybe I hide my sadness too much.

Maybe I'll be too comforting.

From the rain to the sun,

I passed through the mud and the wind.

Along the way,

If you understand me,

How good it should be.


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