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2024-07-15 22:05:00经典语录1



The Sheep-Pig

Chapter 1

The New Born Piglet

The newborn piglet, wet and blind, was snuffling around with its snout, trying to find its mother's milk. But every time it tried to suckle it was pushed away by its brothers and sisters.

The sow grunted, "Stop that, all of you. Give the little one a chance to find its breakfast."

As she spoke, she moved towards the smallest piglet and pushed it towards the soft warm belly where the milk would flow.

"Bless you," said the piglet as it began to suckle.

"It's a strong one," said the sow. "One day it might be a fighter."

But the farmer's wife, who was watching them, shook her head.

"It's the runt of the litter. It will never amount to anything."

But on this occasion the farmer was on the side of the animal. He had been impressed by the way the tiny piglet had fought its way to its mother's milk and he decided to save its life.

He rubbed it dry with a warm cloth, cuddled it against his thick jacket, and carried it to the house.

"You can't keep it," said his wife. "It's going to be too small to make a useful pig."

"But it's a clever little beast," said the farmer. "And it's got spirit. I'm going to keep it as a pet."

The farmer's wife sniffed and went back to her cooking.

And so the piglet's life was saved.

Chapter 2

The Naming of the Pig

The farmer's wife watched the piglet as it grew. She fed it on scraps from the table, and before long the little runt pig became a plump, contented creature.

But the farmer could see that the pig was bored. It spent most of its day sleeping in the warm straw of its sty.

One day the farmer had an idea.

He called the pig to him and said, "I've decided to teach you to do tricks."

The pig grunted in surprise.

"You'll be famous," said the farmer. "I'll call you 'Babe'."

And so the pig was named 'Babe'.

Chapter 3

The Litter

Babe watched with interest as a litter of puppies was born in the yard.

The puppies were wriggling and squeaking, their tiny limbs flailing in the air. Babe was amazed at how helpless they seemed.

But soon they were nursing, and Babe could see that their mother was proud of them.

Babe wished he could have a litter of his own, but he knew he never would.

Then he had an idea. If he could learn to do tricks, perhaps he could be just as special as the puppies.

And so Babe began to train.

Chapter 4

The Sheep

The pig was fascinated by the sheep that he could see over the fence.

Their heavy coats and big curly horns made them look like creatures from another world.

And they seemed to be able to do things that the pig could only dream of, like jumping and running and making strange, mournful sounds.

Babe longed to join them.

One day the farmer's sheepdog, Fly, was barking loudly. Babe realized that there was a stray sheep in the yard.

The farmer and his wife tried to catch it, but it was too fast for them.

Then Babe had an idea. He could round up the sheep, just like the sheepdog did.

The farmer laughed when Babe trotted over to the sheep and started to nudge it towards the gate.

But to his amazement, the sheep followed. Soon it was safely back in the flock.

The farmer was delighted.

Chapter 5

The Sheep-Pig

The farmer watched as Babe rounded up the sheep.

"You're quite a sheep-pig," he said.

Babe was thrilled. He had a new name.

And it wasn't long before Babe had learned all sorts of other tricks. He could climb steps, fetch sticks and even sit on command.

People came from all over to see the amazing pig who could round up sheep and do tricks.

Babe had found his place in the world.

Chapter 6

The Great Sheep-Dog Trial

But the sheepdog Fly was not amused. She had heard that there was to be a competition to find the best sheepdog in the county.

Fly knew she was the best. But now there was a pig who could do her job too.

Babe could see that Fly was unhappy.

"I'm sorry," he said. "I didn't mean to take your job."

But Fly was not mollified.

And she was determined to make sure that Babe did not win the Great Sheep-Dog Trial.

Chapter 7

The Final

It was the day of the Great Sheep-Dog Trial.

The sheep were waiting nervously in a pen, while the dogs and their owners gathered in the fields.

Babe was there too, hoping that he might be allowed to compete.

But Fly had made sure that he was not entered on the list.

At the last moment, however, the farmer slipped Babe onto the field.

The trials began. One by one the sheepdogs guided their flocks through the course.

But Babe was not allowed to take part.

Fly teased him, telling him he would never be a real sheep-pig.

But then the farmer gave Babe a chance.

He opened the gate and let him out into the field.

"He won't stand a chance," said Fly.

But Babe was determined to show what he could do.

He rounded up the sheep, just as he had done before.

And in the end, it was Babe who won the prize.

Fly was amazed, and even she had to admit that the pig was a true champion.

Chapter 8

The Sheep-Pig

From that day on, Babe was no longer just a clever pig who could do tricks.

To the farmer and his wife, and to everyone who knew him, he was the Sheep-Pig.

And he would always be a pig who was special, a pig who had done something amazing.

For the Sheep-Pig had become a hero.

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