英语情书作文? 英语情书长篇?
Hello!You may not know it, but your present state is less calculated and more vivid than it was in high school.

I don't think you're getting older. Every once in a while, I look at myself in the mirror and think I'm getting steadier and more mature every year, and you're still the same.
If you want to, you can open these cards for the rest of your life as if you were 16 or 17.
Although, one day your face will be old, but my love for you will never change, just like the stars are always shining.
I can't forget the pain and suffering, but that's not a bad thing.
I remember loving everything about you, every detail, whether it is painful or happy, that is part of me and you.
You will always be the most beautiful hope in my life and the most crazy, the most loving person.
We get old and get used to each other. We think alike. We read each others minds. We know what the other wants without asking. Sometimes we irritate each other a little bit. Maybe sometimes take each other for granted. But once in awhile, like today, I meditate on it and realise how lucky I am to share my life with the greatest woman I ever met.'
Dear margarita,
I am just lying here, looking at your pictures, ent.
Margarita, I knoise you,I will not question your intentions any more. You have proven to me your love for me is stronger and greater than distances never reached.
margarita, i love you. i am in love with you; i open my heart to you. i ask that you take my heart and treat it as if it is your own.
all my love,
.Thank you for comforting me when I'm sad. Loving me when I'm mad. Picking me up when I'm down. Thank you for being my friend and being around. Teaching me the meaning of love. Encouraging me when I need a shove. But most of all thank you for Loving me for who I am .
1、Do you have a map? Because I just keep losing in your eyes.
2、You are everything to me, and I was so blessed when god sent you here for me.
3、If I could rearrange the alphabet,I’d put Y and I together.
4、It’s not being in love that makes me happy, but is being in loving with you.
5、Do you understand the feeling of missing someone? It is just like that you will spend a long hard time to turn the ice-cold water you have drunk into tears.
Dear Rose:
I have been thinking about you a lot lately, and I feel that I need to express my feelings to you. I have fallen deeply in love with you, and I cannot imagine my life without you.
You are the most amazing person I have ever met, and you bring so much joy and happiness into my life. Every time I see you, my heart skips a beat, and I feel a warmth inside that I have never felt before.
I know that these words may seem sudden, but I cannot hold back my feelings any longer. I hope that you can see the depth of my love for you and that you will feel the same way about me.
I want to spend the rest of my life with you, sharing every moment and experience. I want to hold you in my arms and tell you how much you mean to me every day.
Thank you for being in my life, and I look forward to a future with you.
Love always,
love letter 情书
billet-doux 情书
sugar report 情书
I got a sugar report this morning
He is busy in writing his love letters.
十三年前,我们就开始了相依为命地在人生之路上留下了一串串难舍难分的脚印,我开始和你携手并肩地踏上了漫长的人生之旅。对你的感情,是既爱又恨。 我对你的爱,是无可置疑的。我钟情于你的乐观和你的开朗;我喜欢你的善良,你的乐于助人;我醉心于你的上进,你的不懈追求这一切,使我和你一起时快乐无比。
你成绩优异,我为你而高兴,不少同学来请教你学习上的问题,你总会耐心地一一作答。还记得那一次吗? 课外活动的时间到了,你拿起钟爱的'篮球,准备到球场上拥抱自己的至爱打篮球。可是,一个同学却向你走来,向你请教一道题目。你看看球场,再望望篮球,一丝不舍掠过你的眼底,我发现了。然而,你又马上放下篮球,笑着答应了那位同学,教他做题。接着,便是吃饭时间了,你放置好篮球,和其他同学一起说着笑着踏进了饭堂&& 我对你的爱是深沉的,发自内心的。然而,我对你的恨意也是不可否认的。
一直以来,我都为你的快乐而欢笑,为你的伤心而落泪。在往后漫长的人生旅途中,我们仍然是永远无法分开的人生伴侣。我会永远追随你,不离不弃,不断地帮你完善自己,共同走完美好的人生。 我的心声,你听到了吗?试一下解剖自己,想一想,我对你一番真情,你现在知道我是谁了吗?
aI love three things:the sun ,the moon and you.
The sun is for the day ,the moon is for the night and you forever.
这种东西传到网上,好吗? 你自己咋想咋写,比如开头:落叶忽悠悠地落下,点染了这金秋。
我脑中却挥不去你的身影,就像树留恋着它的叶子。(文笔烂透了,您另请高明……——)本网站文章仅供交流学习 ,不作为商用, 版权归属原作者,部分文章推送时未能及时与原作者取得联系,若来源标注错误或侵犯到您的权益烦请告知,我们将立即删除.