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2025-01-18 03:04:32励志名言1



1. 生命不止,奋斗不息

This life doesn't stop, and neither does our fight.

2. 不怕路长,只求心诚

Don’t fear the long road, just wish for sincerity.

3. 梦想不会辜负努力的每分每秒

Dreams never betray the efforts invested every second.

4. 竞争对手只有自己,要超越自己

The only competitor is yourself; surpass yourself.

5. 挫折是成功的阶梯

Setbacks are the stairs to success.

6. 顽强意志,梦想成真

With a strong will, dreams become reality.

7. 不忘初心,砥砺前行

Don’t forget your original intention, continue forging ahead.

8. 用心去做,方能成功

Only by doing with heart can we succeed.

9. 行动胜于空谈

Action speaks louder than words.

10. 永不放弃,是成功的法则

Never giving up is the rule of success.

11. 咬牙坚持,前方是光明

Grit your teeth and hold on, the light is ahead.

12. 勇敢迈步,成功在望

Take bold steps; success is within reach.

13. 只要努力,就没有什么不可能

As long as we work hard, nothing is impossible.

14. 胜利属于最后坚持的人

Victory belongs to those who persevere till the end.

15. 明天会更好,要有所期待

Tomorrow will be better; look forward to it.

16. 相信自己,便能创造奇迹

Believe in yourself, and you can create miracles.


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