
英文: JACK: Winning that ticket was the best thing that ever happened to me. It brought me to you. And I'm thankful for that, Rose, I'm thankful. You must do me this honor. You must promise me that you will survive... that you won't give up...no matter what happens...no matter how hopeless. Promise me now, Rose, and never let go of that promise.
ROSE: I promise.
JACK: Never let go.
ROSE: I will never let go, Jack, I'll never let go.
Rose:I love you Jake(我爱你 杰克)
Jack:Don't you do that(不要这样)
Don't you say your goodbyes not yet do you understand me(别说再见 时候还没到 明白没有?)
Rose:I'm so cold(我好冷)
Jack:listen Rose(听我说 萝丝)
you are gonna get out of here(你可以脱险)
you gonna go on(你会活下去)
And you are gonna make lots of babies(生一堆小孩)
And you are gonna watch them grow( 然后看着他们长大)
you are gonna die an old lady ,warm in her bed(你会长命百岁 寿终正寝)
not here ,not this night ,not like this(不会死在这里的 不会像是今晚如此的下场)
do you understand me?(听到没有?)
Rose:I can't fell my body(我都麻痹了)
Jack:wining that ticket was the best thing that ever happened to me(赢到船票 左上这艘船 是我一生最美好的事)
It brought met to you(让我能跟你相逢)
And I‘m thankful for that Rose(我很感激 萝丝)
I‘m thankful(我很感激)
you must you must you must do me this honor(你一定要 你一定要 你一定要 帮我这个忙)
you must promise me that you'll survive(你要答应我 你会活下去)
That you won't give up(你不会放弃)
no matter what happens(不管发生什么事)
no matter how hopeless(不管希望多么渺茫)
Promise me now Rose(现在答应我 萝丝)
And never let go that promise(且绝对不要食言)
Rose:I promise(我答应你)
Jack:Never let go(永不放弃)
Rose:I will never let go,Jack,I will never let go(我不会放弃的 杰克 我永不放弃)
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