楼下的翻译还能再搞笑点不?a journey of the ear, suddenly Hongtao都敢当回答了? translation software will not be adopted,自己知道你们在干啥吗?

手动翻译:Life is just a long journey. The length is about one hundred years while I've been walked through most of these. When I turn round about my past, everything waas staying alive in my eyes―― while the rough roads were more than flat roads, suddenly it turned into a deep valley, suddenly it turned into mighty torrent. Fortunately, I was able to go across with bridge, so what's the name of the bridge? I shall call it striving.本人并非高手,更不是英语专业,但仍旧可翻译――至少比那两位机翻哥要强。为什么?茅大师说的好:桥何名欤?曰奋斗。
Life is a journey of the ear , with a length of years , I have gone through seven or eight of ten Cheng pulls back , vividly, rugged than flat, suddenly ravine , suddenly Hongtao , fortunately Lai
Bridge to cross . What name the bridge tonight ? Said struggle .
Life is a journey, the long one hundred years, I have look back
past seven or eight of ten and sing, more rugged than flat, deep canyons, hong
hao, fu lai to cross a bridge. Bridge of wipe? Yue.
Translation software will not be adopted.
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