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大话西游经典台词 英文版

2023-04-04 01:13:07励志名言1

At this time the blade is really close to me 0.01cmI think.But after a short period of time 0.01secind,I think the owner of the sword will fall for me wholeheartedlly.Because I've decided to tell lies .I've told many lies in my life.But I think it is the wonderful lie!

大话西游经典台词 英文版

Once there was a true love at my hand ,but I didn't cherish it .I didn't realize it until it was gone.There is nothing more miserable than it .If God can give me a chance to restart ,I'll tell the girl I Love You.If I have to add a deadline to the love I hope it will be ten thousand years




I have had my best love before


But I didn't treasure her


When I lose her


I fell regretful


It is the most painful matter in this world


Just cut my throat!


No hesitation


If God can give me


another chance


I will say 3 words to her


I love you


If you have to give a time limit to this love


I hope it is 10 thousand year


Once there was a true love slipped away before my eyes, 

Only find myself regretting when it was too late,

Nothing could be as patinfun as this,

Just let your sword cut into my throat,

Don't hesitate!

If God would give me another chance,

I would tell the girl,

I love you

If this love had to be set a time limit,

I wish it would be 10000 years!


但是我没有珍惜,等到了失去的 时候才后悔莫及,

尘世间最痛苦的事 莫过于此。

如果老天可以再给我一个 再来一次的机会的话,

我会跟那个女孩 说三个字――“我爱你”

如果非 要在这份爱上加个期限的话,我希望是一万年!

There was once a most sincere love placed right before me,

But I did not cherish it; I regret it only after I had lost it

that is the most painful thing in life.

If only God could give me another chance, a chance to redo this all over again.

I will say three words to that girl, ---I love you

If I had to put an expiration date on that love, I hope it can be ten thousand years.

There was a sincere love in front of me, but I did not cherish, until a loss when it is too late for regrets, the most painful matter in this world. If God could give me another chance, I would say three words to that girl, I love you, if I had to make a deadline for this love, I would hope it was ten thousand years...


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