有关春节的英语对话? 有关于新年英语的对话?
Lillian : Happy New Year, Judy.

Judy : Happy New Year, Lillian . Come and enjoy some nice drinks with me, will you?
Lillian : I' d like to . Thank you.What are you up to?
Judy : First I' II visit some relatives and friends . Then I' II help my parents cook the lunch.
Lillian : What do you usually cook?
Judy : We cook fish, beef, pork and other delicious dishes . We also have some drinks.
Lillian : That sounds fun . It' s a family party, isn' t it?
Judy : Yes, we all get together no matter where we are.
Lillian : Do you usually send presents?
Judy : Of course, we send gifts to our friends and relatives . And the kids can receive lucky money.
Lillian : That sounds great.
A: New year is good, paid new year's call to you wished your good luck rolling to come B: Thanks, new year is good, wishes your health, wishing you a prosperous new year
Different from other provinces, Hainan is the second largest ocean island and the smallest land province in China. Although scenery in Hainan lacks the grandness of the Great Wall and the mystery of the Terror-Cotta Warriors, its natural beauty has gained a good reputation among the visitors and has been widely known around the world. People call it "the Oriental Hawaii".
A: Good evening! What can I do for you?
B: I'm looking for a pair of black shoes.
A: What size do you want?
B: Size 10.
A: Sorry, I afraid we haven't got any black shoes in that size at the moment. We've got some brown ones.
B: Have you got any other kind?
A: How about those shoes over there.
B: Well, that colour looks nice. How much do they cost?
A: Two hundred yuan.
B: Hmm, that's a bit expensive. Can I try them on?
A: Certainly.
Who is that girl?
--Over there,under the big tree.
--Oh, that's my
often takes a light blue blouse and a pink skirk.--What's on her hair?
--It's an accessory.
--What colour is it?
likes pink very much.--How do you like your sister?
--She is cute and lovely,and she works hard.
甲;I got a ticket yesterday.
乙:You ran a red light.
丙:He nearly ran into the bus.
丁:Don't take it to heart. You'll never happen again.
乙:Take it easy. There must be some ways to compensate for it.
丙:Don't be so upset. Everything will be OK.
丁:It's really hard for you.
A:Thank you!It won't happen again.
英语对话如下:A: Hi, do you think you're living a happy life?
B: Yes, I think I'm living a very happy life. I have a loving family and good friends, and I enjoy my work.
A: That's great to hear. What do you think is the key to a happy life?
B: I think that having meaningful relationships with others is really important. Spending time with loved ones and friends, and doing things that make you happy can bring a lot of joy.
A: I agree. What about money and material things? Do you think they're important for happiness?
B: I think having enough money to meet your needs is important, but beyond that, material things have diminishing returns on happiness. I believe experiences and relationships are more valuable than possessions.
A: That's a good point. What else do you think contributes to a happy life?
B: I think it's important to have a sense of purpose and meaning, whether it comes from work, hobbies or volunteering. It's also important to take care of yourself, both physically and mentally, through exercise, good nutrition and self-care practices like meditation.
A: Those are all great tips for a happy life. Thanks for sharing!
在餐厅吃饭的英语对话是很常见的在外国餐厅用餐需要掌握一定的英语交际能力,同时也需要了解一些餐厅文化和礼仪,需要注意客人的点餐要求和服务需求,并尽量友好地与服务员进行沟通 另外,如果你是在英语国家学习,去餐馆吃饭也可以提高你的口语表达能力同时,学习与服务员交流还可以帮你提高听力理解能力,帮助你更好地适应当地的校园生活和文化风俗
Jenny: hello!
Officer:hello! may i help you?
J: yes, please. i have lost my dictionary in the school yard.
O: what does it look like?
J: it's an English-Chinese dictionary with a black hard cover.
O: I see, is this yours?
J: Oh, yes! thank godness! thank you!
O: you are welcome.
J: bye!
O: bye!
Happy New Year!
Thank you! Same to you.
Have you got any plans?
I've been invited over to a friend's. And you?
My roommate's having a party.
Gordon: What's going on?
Molly: Nothing much, just the usual. Why do you ask?
Gordon: Your nose is running and you seem like you have a fever.
Molly: How do you know?
Gordon: I can see your symptoms. We should go to see a doctor.
Molly: I will teach you some Emergency English on the drive to the hospital.
Gordon: Great. I hope the English-speaking doctor can help me.
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